The most delicious and simple recipes for pickling tomatoes in a bucket: making excellent preparations for the winter
Skillful housewives don’t know any number of ways to prepare for winter. Salt tomatoes directly in a plastic or enamel bucket? Easily! If you have any doubts, our article will completely dispel them.
We will tell you in detail why you need to salt vegetables in a bucket, what ingredients are needed, how to select and prepare the fruits. And of course, we will provide you with the best recipes!
Features of salting tomatoes in a bucket
Salting tomatoes in jars is common practice. But not everyone is familiar with salting in a bucket.
Key Features:
- When salting in a bucket, the cold method is often used.
- The vitamin composition of tomatoes and related ingredients is preserved.
- Oppression is a prerequisite. Without it, your tomatoes will quickly turn sour or not be salted. Don't ignore this important point.
- You should not mix all the ingredients that you know in a container. Pickling in a bucket implies an almost pure taste of tomatoes. Therefore, limit yourself to garlic, horseradish, mustard or herbs.
Advice. If you add honey, then add it to the already cooled marinade. This way you will retain the benefits of the sweet product.
The benefits of tomatoes pickled in a bucket
Cold salting ensures the preservation of vitamins and microelements. Accordingly, such tomatoes are healthier than those that are doused with boiling water. In a bucket, the salting process occurs under the influence of oppression, and not heat treatment. This has a positive effect not only on the benefits, but also on the taste.Such preparations will not harm those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Take note:
6 most delicious recipes for pickled cucumbers in a pan
How to choose tomatoes for pickling
The process is simple. Main rules:
- The fruits must be of the same degree of ripeness. Do not salt green and overripe tomatoes in the same bucket, otherwise you will have to throw away the preparation.
- The skin of the fruit should be elastic and free of stains, rot, sun-scorched areas, and so on.
- It is better to use oblong tomatoes; they are easier to put in buckets.
Preparing tomatoes
So, you have selected tomatoes of the same degree of ripeness, with elastic skin and without defects.
Your next steps:
- Rinse the vegetables under cool running water. Don't keep them in water for too long.
- Remove the stem.
- Make a puncture in the vegetable. Its depth is about 1 cm. A fork or toothpick will do. You should not do more than three punctures. This procedure is necessary to prevent the skin from cracking.
- For more uniform salting, make a small cross-shaped cut at the top of the vegetable.
Recipes for pickling and pickling
It's time to introduce you to the top ten best recipes. We called them the best for a reason: simple ingredients, accessible equipment, a small amount of time and predictable results. Go ahead, get your notebook!
Salted tomatoes in a bucket, like in a barrel
Barrel tomatoes are just a colorful name. Tomatoes with a typical bright taste can be obtained by pickling them not only in a barrel, but also in a pan or bucket.
To pickle tomatoes in a bucket you will need:
tomatoes – 9-10 kg;
- horseradish - 5 sheets;
- salt – 30 tbsp. l.;
- head of garlic;
- hot pepper pod;
- black currant leaves – 15 pcs.;
- cherry leaves – 15 pcs.;
- dill umbrellas – 5 pcs.;
- tarragon – 4-5 branches with leaves;
- water – 10 l.
Cooking method:
- Wash the vegetables, herbs, peel the garlic, divide everything into several equal portions.
- Place tomatoes and spices in layers in a clean, dry container.
- Place horseradish, currant, cherry, dill, tarragon and garlic leaves at the bottom of the bucket.
- Place a layer of tomatoes on the spicy “pillow”. Alternating layers, fill the bucket, but leave room for the brine so that all the tomatoes are under a layer of liquid.
- Cover the last layer with horseradish leaves. Make cold brine at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of water and pour it into a container. Cover the bucket with a lid, having previously placed gauze under it, and put it in a cool place.
- In 15-20 days, when fermentation is over, you will have sharp, spicy tomatoes like from a barrel.
Attention. It is recommended to place large tomatoes at the bottom of the bucket, and leave the smallest ones for the top layer. This way the berries will be salted more evenly.
Cold salted tomatoes with mustard
Mustard adds a spicy and unique taste to many dishes. Salted tomatoes are no exception.
You will need:
- medium-sized tomatoes – 8-9 kg;
- water – 5-6 l;
- salt – 180 g;
- black currant leaves – 10-15 pcs.;
- mixture of peppers – 0.5 tsp;
- ground hot pepper – 0.5 tsp;
- bay leaf – 6 pcs.;
- mustard powder – 10 tsp. with a slide.
Cooking method:
- Place spices, currant leaves and bay leaves in a clean saucepan on the bottom.
- Place tomatoes on top.
- Alternating layers of tomatoes and currant leaves, fill the container.
- Add salt to boiling water, leave on fire for five minutes, then cool.
- Add mustard to the brine, pour it into the bucket with tomatoes to the top.
- Cover the container with a lid, place it under pressure and put it in a cool place. After 10 days, the snack is ready.
Read also:
Cold pickling of green tomatoes with garlic
Various containers are suitable for the cold salting method, including ordinary three-liter jars.
You will need:
- tomatoes;
- carrots – 1 pc.;
- parsley root;
- horseradish root;
- parsley – 1 bunch;
- head of garlic;
- allspice – 5 peas;
- salt;
- water.
How to cook:
- Make brine at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of cold water.
- Cut carrots and parsley root into rings, horseradish root into cubes.
- Place all the spices, carrots and herbs on the bottom of the jar.
- Place the tomatoes tightly on top and pour the brine.
- Close the container with a plastic lid and put it in the cellar or refrigerator for 10 days.
Important. Add a tablespoon of calcined oil to the bucket. This will protect the workpiece from mold.
Cold salted tomatoes without vinegar
You will need:
- tomatoes – 6 kg;
- peeled garlic – 1 cup;
- salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
- water – 800 ml;
- hot pepper – 1 pc.;
- dill – 1 bunch;
- sweet pepper – 2 pcs.
How to pickle:
- Add salt to boiling water, boil for another five minutes, then remove from heat and let the brine cool.
- Mince garlic, hot and bell peppers, and herbs.
- Place tomatoes in buckets, sprinkling each layer with herbs.
- Pour the brine into the filled container and cover with gauze and a lid.
- Place the pickles in a cool place for 10 days. After two weeks, the spicy tomatoes are ready.
How to cold pickle tomatoes in a bucket with horseradish
You will need:
- tomatoes;
- dill stems with umbrellas – 6 pcs.;
- parsley sprigs – 3 pcs.;
- celery sprigs – 4 pcs.;
- garlic – 2 heads;
- 10 leaves of currants and cherries;
- horseradish - 3 leaves;
- bay leaf – 5 pcs.;
- allspice – 10-15 peas;
- salt;
- sugar;
- water.
How to cook:
- Dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. salt and 2 tbsp. Sahara.
- Place horseradish leaves at the bottom of the bucket, place tomatoes on top, layering each layer with herbs and garlic.
- Fill with brine.
- Cover with gauze and lid.
- Set the pressure. After a month you can taste delicious tomatoes.
Helpful information. Horseradish leaves added when pickling tomatoes not only add spice to the dish, but also add vitamins to it.
Pickling tomatoes with aspirin with cold water
- tomatoes – 1 kg;
- aspirin – 2 tablets;
- onion – 1 head;
- sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
- garlic – 4 cloves;
- dill – 2 sprigs;
- bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
- water – 1 l;
- vinegar – 3 tsp;
- salt – 9 tbsp. l.;
- sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
- Cut the pepper and onion into half rings.
- Place tomatoes and all other ingredients in buckets.
- Dissolve sugar, salt, acetylsalicylic acid in cold water, observing the proportions indicated in the recipe.
- Pour the brine into buckets with vegetables, cover with gauze, and apply pressure.
- Place the workpieces in preheated water for 5-10 minutes.
- After 30 days, the snack is ready.
For information. Preparing tomatoes for the winter with aspirin is widespread. The drug helps prevent the proliferation of bacteria, preserve the vitamin composition and structure of tomatoes.
Pickling tomatoes with carrot tops
Adding carrot tops to tomatoes during cold pickling will give your pickling a subtle, unique taste.
You will need:
small brown tomatoes;
- water – 5 l;
- carrot tops;
- apple cider vinegar – 2 cups;
- sugar – 1 glass;
- allspice – 10 peas;
- bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
- salt – 100 g.
Cooking method:
- Place three sprigs of carrot tops on the bottom of the bucket and place the tomatoes tightly on top.
- Pour boiling water over the preparations for five minutes. Then drain the water.
- Boil the water again.
- Add sugar and salt.
- Place bay leaf, pepper, and vinegar in a container.
- Pour boiling brine into buckets with vegetables to the top.
- Cover with gauze in 2-3 layers.
- Set the pressure.
- After three days, transfer the product from room temperature to a cool room.
Quick cold salting with herbs
For quick pickling, use small-sized tomatoes. Cream tomatoes are the best variety.
You will need:
- tomatoes – 2 kg;
- dill – 1 bunch;
- parsley – 1 bunch;
- basil – 1 bunch;
- cilantro – 1 bunch;
- celery – 1 bunch;
- garlic – 1 large head;
- apple cider vinegar – 80 g;
- bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
- allspice – 10 peas;
- hot pepper – 3 pods;
- coriander seeds – 2-3 pinches;
- cloves – 4 pcs.;
- salt – 2 tbsp. l. with a slide;
- sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
- Peel the garlic and finely chop it with the herbs.
- Make a longitudinal or cross-shaped cut in each tomato and place the filling inside.
- Make the marinade in a saucepan. To do this, add all the ingredients to hot water and boil for five minutes. Let the brine cool.
- Pour the brine into the buckets with vegetables.
- Cover with gauze and press down with a lid.
- After 24 hours, refrigerate or serve.
Attention. Sugar can be replaced with honey. You can only add it to a cooled solution, otherwise all the beneficial properties of honey will be lost.
How to salt red tomatoes by simple salting in plastic buckets
This option for preparing tomatoes is not inferior to others in terms of speed of preparation and results. We will tell you how to simply salt tomatoes in a plastic bucket.
You will need:
tomatoes – 5-6 kg;
- horseradish root – 2 pcs.;
- parsley – 1 bunch;
- hot pepper – 2 pcs.;
- dill – 1 bunch;
- bell pepper – 4 pcs.;
- garlic – 2 heads;
- bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
- allspice – 10 peas;
- water – 10 l;
- sugar – 1 glass;
- salt – 1.5 cups.
Cooking method:
- Cut the pepper and horseradish into cubes.
- At the bottom of the bucket, make a “pillow” of greenery.
- Place the tomatoes, sprinkling them with garlic, pepper and horseradish.
- Cover the top of the container with herbs.
- Dissolve sugar and salt in water and pour the brine into the tomatoes.
- Place the workpieces in a cool place. After 20 days the dish is ready.
Benefits of using a bucket for salting tomatoes
Let's list main advantages of using a pickling bucket:
- Save time.
- No sterilization or triple filling process. Both of these make many housewives despondent. With buckets everything happens more dynamically.
- The beneficial properties of tomatoes are preserved. This also applies to accompanying ingredients, such as other vegetables or honey.
Tips and tricks
If you're a newbie, you're in luck. Experienced housewives share tips:
- A cross-shaped shallow cut in the vegetable will help it salt faster and the taste will be more intense.
- Change the gauze at least once a week. If, when changing the gauze, you notice mold, bubbles or a film on top, then carefully remove it using a slotted spoon or spoon. Do not throw away the product - this is a normal reaction.
- Currant leaves often provoke the appearance of mold during cold salting.Try not to add this ingredient; it is better to replace it with a horseradish leaf or a lemon slice.
Let's sum it up
Now you know that pickling tomatoes in a bucket is not only quick, but also healthy. Choose fruits of the same degree of ripeness, cut off the stalks, make punctures and your vegetables will turn out tasty and evenly salted. Do not forget about oppression and changing gauze once a week.