Is it possible to eat melon if you have pancreatitis of the pancreas?
Sweet and tender melon is a tasty and healthy delicacy. It is rich in fiber, folic acid, vitamins and antioxidants. All these substances increase immunity, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improve hair condition and improve mood.
But if the norms and rules of consumption are not followed, this fruit causes serious discomfort and eating disorders. Particular care should be taken by people with pancreatitis of the pancreas, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease. For what forms of pancreatitis is the use of melon allowed and in what dosages - read on.
Composition of melon
There is a belief that melon consists only of water and sugar, which means it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. But that's not true. It contains a wide range of substances that affect the functions of the body.
For 100 g of melon pulp there is:
- calories: 34;
- fat: 0.2 g;
- saturated fat: 0.1 g;
- polyunsaturated fatty acids: 0.1 g;
- monounsaturated fatty acids: 0 g;
- sodium: 16 mg;
- potassium: 267 mg;
- carbohydrates: 8 g;
- fiber: 0.9 g;
- sugar: 8 g;
- proteins: 0.8 g;
- vitamin A: 3% of the permissible daily dose;
- vitamin C: 30% of the permissible daily dose;
- vitamin B6: 4.5% of the permissible daily dose;
- folic acid: 4.5% of the permissible daily dose;
- vitamin K: 3% of the permissible daily dose;
- potassium: 7% of the permissible daily dose;
- magnesium: 2% of the permissible daily dose.
Beneficial features
Melon contains compounds that act as antioxidants.: beta-carotene, starch, folic acid, potassium, iron, inositol, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, carotene, organic acids, calcium, vitamins C, PP, B1, B2.
These substances play extremely important roles in body functions:
- act as a mild laxative;
- fight inflammatory processes;
- have a diuretic effect, due to which they help remove small stones and sand from the urinary organs;
- participate in the regulation of water-salt balance in the body;
- have an anthelmintic effect.
Let's consider properties of individual elements in more detail:
- high vitamin C content improves immunity;
- silicon has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels;
- inosine and vitamin A improve hair condition;
- folic acid stimulates hematopoiesis;
- lycopene and a number of other antioxidants slow down aging and reduce the risk of cancer;
- pectins have an antitoxic effect;
- due to the enzymes contained in the pulp, the breakdown of food substrates is improved;
- nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on heart function;
- Folic acid is involved in the production of the “joy hormone” serotonin and helps improve mood.
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Harmful properties
The apparent harmlessness of melon can mislead many. In some cases, substances that should help the body function are harmful.:
- The high content of coarse plant fiber makes melon pulp satisfying. However, its excessive consumption leads to excess stress on the digestive system.The gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with it, which leads to eating disorders.
- Sorbitol, which is rich in melon pulp, can cause severe foamy diarrhea and increased gas formation.
- If abused, there is a risk of getting a burn to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
- Melon is absolutely incompatible with other foods, especially dairy and fermented milk. You should not drink drinks with it, even plain water. This is fraught with heaviness, bloating and diarrhea.
Eating melon for pancreatitis
Upon detailed study of the composition of melon, its benefits are beyond doubt.. But excessive consumption, more than 1.5 kg per day, and combination with other products will cause unpleasant consequences even in a healthy person.
People with medical conditions should be especially careful digestive system and inflammatory processes. It is the latter that includes pancreatitis, which, according to WHO statistics, now affects 27-50 people per 100,000 population.
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Gastroenterologists distinguish two of its forms: acute and chronic. After the exacerbation subsides and severe symptoms disappear, a period of remission begins.
Important! The role of the pancreas in the functions of the body is great. It is involved in the digestion process and also regulates energy exchange. How effectively proteins, fats and carbohydrates will be broken down depends on the enzymes it secretes. Insulin and a number of other hormones secreted by the pancreas regulate blood glucose levels.
Diet for pancreatitis seriously affects the patient’s well-being. It is important to carefully select products, monitor their dosage and preparation method.
In case of chronic pancreatitis, the patient is prescribed a therapeutic diet “Table 5”. She prescribes eating sweet fruits and berries, both fresh and dried or dried. Fried, smoked, spicy, sour and fatty foods are prohibited.
It would seem that, melon should be one of the permitted foods. It consists of 90% water, does not contain fats and contains a complex of useful substances. Its pulp is tender, juicy and sweet, which fully corresponds to the characteristics of “Table 5”. But there are a number of nuances here.
It can be useful:
The effect of melon on the pancreas
Patients with pancreatitis cannot always afford to treat themselves to melon. This is due to the influence of the components of its pulp on the functions of the pancreas.
In case of inflammation of the pancreas, it is necessary to ensure the most gentle mode of its operation. That is why gastroenterologists require compliance with the prescribed diet. However when eating melon, everything happens exactly the opposite:
- Eating melon, even in small quantities, stimulates endocrine function. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid begins to be more actively released and the secretory activity of the digestive organs, including the pancreas, increases. Unripe melons are the most dangerous in this regard.
- Melon contains a lot of carbohydrates. They stimulate exocrine function. As blood sugar levels increase, insulin production also increases. Thus, the inflamed organ begins to work even more actively than before, which is unacceptable.
- The abundance of fiber and the presence of simple sugars in melon provokes fermentation processes in the intestines.This leads to diarrhea, colic, bloating and flatulence.
Acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis is characterized by the following syndromes::
- attacks of nausea and vomiting (sometimes bile is present in the vomit);
- severe pain is felt in the area of the left hypochondrium;
- temperature increase;
- severe diarrhea;
- blood pressure surges;
- bloating and heaviness in the abdomen;
- the appearance of hemorrhages in the umbilical region.
If you notice these symptoms, you must stop immediately. from eating melon and seek help from a doctor.
Important! The ban applies not only to eating melon in its pure form, but also to dishes containing it. During the acute phase of pancreatitis, frozen and dried melons, canned melons, mousses and juice are prohibited.
Remission period
During remission, symptoms of pancreatitis are either mild or not expressed at all. If the complaints that a person had during the period of exacerbation do not recur, we can talk about stable remission. Only during this period are patients with pancreatitis allowed to return melon to their diet. Before doing this, it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist.
First, it is better to make jelly from melon, jams or mousses. Melon juice diluted with warm water is also allowed. It is important to remember that melon is incompatible with other foods, so you should not add it to salads or use it as a dessert after main courses. Doctors recommend eating melon at least an hour before the main meal or two hours after.
When purchasing, choose ripe, firm, and flavorful melons.. Fruits whose pulp has a fibrous structure are useful. An unripe melon will provoke an eating disorder even in a healthy person, so such fruits should not be consumed.It is also advisable not to touch the pulp near the crust itself, but eat only the middle.
Important! At the first signs of exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is necessary to exclude melon from the diet.
Standards of use
During the period of exacerbation For pancreatitis of the pancreas, the use of melon in any form is strictly prohibited.
When remission occurs You can eat no more than 100 g of pulp at one time. The daily dose is 400 g. If well tolerated, an increase in the dose is permissible, but the maximum possible amount is 1.5 kg per day. Excessive consumption of this fruit will lead to overload of the digestive system and will negate all the benefits.
Consumption of melon during pancreatitis mainly depends on the phase of the disease. At the same time, in no case should we forget about moderation and isolated consumption of melon. Only with strict adherence to the rules of consumption will melon reveal its full beneficial potential and not harm the body.