The benefits and harms of zucchini seeds: we use the product according to all the rules so as not to harm our health
Many people know about the benefits of pumpkin seeds, but few people know that zucchini is a direct relative of pumpkin. Therefore, its seeds are also suitable for use - and not only as seed, but also for food.
The use of squash seeds in the prevention and treatment of various pathologies enhances the effect of drug therapy. Why exactly are they useful, and what are the risks of eating them - read the article.
What are the benefits of zucchini grains?
It is useful for women during pregnancy and lactation to include squash seeds in their diet. They contain a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the body of the expectant mother and baby. These elements prevent the development of pathologies of the skeletal system and also help improve lactation.
Including such seeds in your diet helps slow down and prevent premature aging, because... they act as a source of vitamins A and E, improve the condition of hair, nails, and skin.
Zinc, contained in high concentrations in the seeds, helps in the fight against brittle and split ends, giving the skin a healthier and fresher appearance. It helps relieve inflammation on the skin due to acne and prevent the appearance of pimples.
For women over 45, the seeds will also be useful.Their periodic use alleviates hypertension, arthritis, stomach and intestinal disorders, and increases the overall tone of the body and immunity. This promotes natural rejuvenation of the body.
Regular consumption of zucchini seeds helps men in treating sexual dysfunction and infertility. This occurs due to the influence of seed components on the following indicators:
- the level of testosterone production increases and remains at a consistently high level;
- quality of seminal fluid – the number of active sperm increases;
- erectile function (potency) improves.
During treatment, for maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to reduce physical activity to a minimum so that zinc, an element important for men’s health, does not come out through sweat.
Reference. Systematic consumption of seeds increases libido in both men and women.
The use of zucchini seeds in the treatment of various diseases
Seeds cannot be considered the main cure for any disease - it is only an auxiliary remedy. Magnesium and potassium contained in squash seeds nourish the heart muscle in the human body, give it tone, thereby making it strong.
They also improve the elasticity of blood vessels and help reduce cardiac edema. Pectin reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. Iron – improves oxygen supply to organs. B vitamins cleanse blood vessels.
Zucchini seeds help reduce overall blood sugar levels and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which are especially affected by diabetes. They help normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which is also disrupted during this disease.
Natural antidepressants and sedatives contained in the seeds help cope with insomnia, irritability, and stress. The rich vitamin composition reduces fatigue and nervous tension.
Zucchini seeds, due to their high fiber content, improve digestion, relieve nausea and stomach cramps, and normalize stool. For people who have undergone digestive surgery, fiber helps them recover faster.
Attention. In case of peptic ulcer and acute gastritis, you should avoid them. Eating zucchini derivatives can be harmful.
Fatty acids and oils contained in the grains have an enveloping effect and neutralize hydrochloric acid, which helps reduce heartburn. Zucchini seeds have a pronounced laxative effect.
They help to gently overcome stool retention, so they are successfully used to treat constipation that is not accompanied by serious health problems.
Zucchini and its derivatives are a well-known sorbent. They neutralize toxic substances well and have choleretic properties. Regular consumption of seeds helps the normal functioning of the liver.
The substance santonin, which is part of squash seeds, is absolutely harmless to humans, but toxic to parasites of various groups. Under the influence of santonin, parasites are detached from the intestinal walls and are naturally eliminated from the body.
The rich vitamin and mineral composition of zucchini grains, when consumed daily, especially in the autumn-winter period, strengthens the human body’s resistance to various diseases. The seeds are suitable for long-term storage.
Read also:
Is it possible to eat raw zucchini: benefits and harm to the body.
Where and how to properly plant zucchini seedlings.
In what and how to store zucchini for a long time - we create ideal conditions.
Possible contraindications and harm to seeds
Seeds cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities. This causes severe thirst, and the high potassium content in the product increases the load on the kidneys and heart.
Important. People with kidney failure are not recommended to include zucchini and its derivatives in their regular diet.
Swelling of the legs and face can occur when consuming heavily roasted grains, especially those containing large amounts of fat and spices. For gastritis with high acidity, these zucchini derivatives are strictly contraindicated.
During pregnancy, a woman's kidneys work with double strength - for themselves and for the baby. Therefore, the substances contained in the seeds that are beneficial for the expectant mother can negatively affect the function of this organ. It is imperative that you discuss adding them to your diet with your doctor.
Norms and rules of use
Eating one handful of seeds will not adversely affect your health. But if you plan to use them regularly to treat or prevent diseases, it is better to consult your doctor. You can undergo testing to identify allergies to this product and to make sure there are no other contraindications.
Methods for preparing and using medicine from zucchini grains for different diseases differ. Next, we will share with you some recipes from which you can choose the one that suits you.
Folk recipes with zucchini seeds
Traditional medicine is famous for its variety of recipes.Individual vegetables and their derivatives are recommended to be consumed raw, without mixing with anything, but there are also recipes based on several components.
Recipe for male infertility - sprouted seeds
The zucchini grains must be sorted out: remove all debris and damaged seeds and fill them with water. The floating seeds will not germinate - they are removed. The seeds are left for 7-8 hours in water, in a warm, dark place. After time has passed, the liquid is drained and the remaining wet grains are covered with thick cloth or cardboard and left in the light.
After 24 hours, the first shoots appear. Every morning it is recommended to eat 50-100 g of sprouted zucchini seeds along with green sprouts.
Zucchini milk for diabetes
Two tablespoons of peeled and dried seeds are crushed into powder, mixed with 100 ml of boiled water and ½ teaspoon of honey. The greenish liquid is divided into three parts and taken 2-3 times, preferably in the first half of the day.
Squash seed candies
To prepare this delicacy, which can replace regular candy for children, you will need:
- 50 g peeled zucchini seeds;
- 200 g sugar;
- 10 g butter;
- 125 ml milk.
Pour sugar into a hot frying pan, add butter and milk. Cook over low heat. When the mixture thickens, add zucchini grains and mix thoroughly.
From the resulting “porridge”, balls are formed using a teaspoon, each of which is wrapped in foil. In the morning and evening, such sweets will be a pleasant addition to tea.
Anthelmintic decoction
50 g of peeled seeds are poured into a glass of boiling water and put on fire for 15 minutes. After this, pour the broth into a thermos and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain before use.Drink 3 times a day in between meals.
Recipe for relieving stress, anxiety, tension
Dry and clean the seeds. Take 100 g of the product, mix with a glass of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon. A dark, opaque jar with a tight lid is the best container to store this mixture. To relieve constant feelings of anxiety and fear, take one tablespoon of this medicine every morning with tea.
What cosmetologists say
Zucchini grains are also valued in cosmetology. Due to their composition, they effectively affect skin health. From the pulp of the fruit and seeds they make nourishing masks for the face and hair, and rejuvenating decoctions for the skin.
Rejuvenating decoction
One glass of crushed, peeled raw seeds is poured into 1 liter of clean water, brought to a boil and left for 3 hours. Use as a lotion for 1-2 days.
Hair Mask
Pour water into the zucchini seed powder in a ratio of 1:10. Mix and apply the mixture to your hair. Wrap your head in a terry towel. After 20-30 minutes, rinse your hair with water and rinse with shampoo. To enhance the effect of the mask and get rid of dandruff, you can add a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus oil to it.
Now you know all about the benefits and possible harms of eating zucchini seeds. The beneficial properties of seeds are based on their unique mineral and vitamin composition. Abuse of this product can be harmful, especially when fried.
Zucchini seeds help both the female and male body. Their regular use helps preserve beauty and youth, and compliance with the norms and rules of use is the key to successful treatment for many diseases.