Features of treating the liver and pancreas with oats
Oats are one of the medicinal plants recognized even by official medicine. It is most effective to use it to cleanse and treat the liver and pancreas. The effectiveness of oats lies in its special chemical composition and pronounced healing properties.
Composition of oats
Oats contain more than 12% protein. By consuming just half a glass of this product per day, you can provide 15% of your daily protein requirement.
Reference. Thanks to this composition, oatmeal saturates the body with energy and provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
Oat bran contains about 40% fiber. It normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and promotes weight loss. In addition, the cereal contains beta-glucan, a polysaccharide that helps eliminate bad cholesterol.
100 g of oats contains:
- 316 kcal;
- protein – 10 g;
- fat – 6.2 g;
- carbohydrates – 55.1 g;
- dietary fiber – 12 g
- water – 14 g.
The cereal also contains vitamins and minerals (data given per 100 g of cereal):
- 0.09 mcg beta-carotene;
- 4 mg vitamin PP;
- 3 mcg vitamin A;
- 15 mcg vitamin H;
- 1 mg vitamin B5;
- 27 mcg folic acid (vitamin B9);
- 1000 mg silicon;
- 5.5 mg iron;
- 5.25 mg manganese;
- 7.5 mcg iodine;
- 135 mg magnesium;
- 421 mg potassium;
- 117 mg calcium.
Regular consumption of oatmeal not only reduces cholesterol levels, but also normalizes blood pressure. Magnesium contained in cereal stimulates blood flow and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Beneficial properties for the liver and pancreas
In folk medicine, oats and preparations based on them are especially valued for their ability to help with diseases of the liver and pancreas.
The liver is the body's filter. It neutralizes and removes toxins, alcohol, medications and other substances. Regular consumption of oats, for example, decoction or porridge, will help restore liver cells and normalize their function.
Oats are also useful for pancreatitis (inflammatory disease of the pancreas). It relieves inflammation and is used both at the first manifestations of the disease and during exacerbation. Doctors recommend eating oats to protect all digestive organs from inflammation.
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What causes the therapeutic effect?
Oat grains contain microelements important for humans. They, in combination with fiber, help cleanse the body and saturate it with essential substances:
- Oats are a champion in silicon content: 100 g of grains contain 1000 mg of this element. Silicon is responsible for the elasticity of the sphincters of the digestive organs.
- For every 100 g of cereal there are 361 mg of phosphorus and 117 mg of calcium. These microelements help the body cope with bacteria, fungi and other pathogens.
- 100 g of oats contain 421 mg of potassium and 135 mg of magnesium. They are good for the heart, prevent the development of diseases of the liver, pancreas and other digestive organs.
What to do before using oats as a remedy
First you need to properly prepare the digestive tract.
Note! Cleansing primarily concerns the intestines.It is in it that harmful deposits accumulate, which gradually poison the body. The most effective way to cleanse the intestines is a regular enema.
If you skip this step, toxins will enter the bloodstream and can cause poisoning. It is also necessary to adjust the diet before starting treatment. Most of it should be plant foods. The consumption of mushrooms, fatty fish, meat, eggs and fried foods should be limited.
How to brew oats to treat the liver
In order for oats to cleanse the liver efficiently, it is necessary to properly prepare the raw materials. The grains are washed 2-3 times and then soaked overnight in filtered water. Next, the prepared cereal is simmered over low heat for no more than 40 minutes.
There are several options for using oats to treat the liver:
- The grain is poured with water in a ratio of 1:5. After boiling, cook over low heat for 25 minutes so that some of the liquid evaporates. Next, the mixture is infused for 12 hours, and then drunk instead of tea. Aromatic herbs and honey will help improve the taste of the drink.
- For serious liver diseases, use a recipe with milk. Pour 0.5 cups of grains into 1 liter of liquid and let the mixture boil. Next, reduce the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. The container with the mixture is wrapped in a blanket for three hours, and then drunk in small portions throughout the day. The full course of treatment is 20 days.
How to brew oats to treat pancreas
In order for an oat-based remedy to be beneficial, it is recommended to first cleanse the digestive tract.
Reference! For this, a strict diet No. 5 is best suited, and a drink of rosehip decoction is best.
The amino acids contained in oats will help relieve inflammation of the pancreas. There are several recipes for folk remedies.In the first case, whole grains are first ground in a coffee grinder, and then brewed in a thermos and left for 5 hours. Drink half a glass before each meal.
For another recipe, not only whole grains, but also flakes are suitable. They are mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2. Use boiled water, but cooled to room temperature. The resulting substance is mixed and infused for 10 hours. The result will be a liquid that resembles milk in color and consistency. It is advisable to use the product on the same day.
Folk recipes
There are several universal traditional medicine recipes that will help relieve inflammation of the pancreas and restore liver cells. To prepare the medicine correctly, you must strictly follow the recipes.
To prepare a classic oat broth, use the following recipe:
- 100 g of grains are poured with a liter of water. The resulting mixture is transferred to a saucepan. It is better not to use aluminum cookware.
- Bring the ingredients to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes without covering. Then leave for two hours, let cool and filter.
- The finished drink is consumed daily, 500 ml. To make it even more beneficial, add a teaspoon of honey.
It is recommended to take the product for no more than two months. If it is necessary to repeat the course, take a month's break and resume treatment.
Oat milk
To combat serious liver diseases, a product based on milk and oats is used.
To prepare it:
- A glass of grains is poured into an enamel pan and 500 ml of hot milk is poured.
- Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
- The product is removed from the stove, wrapped in a warm towel and left for 4-6 hours.
Take 100 ml 30 minutes before meals. The full course of treatment is three weeks.
Viscous oatmeal jelly is another good remedy for cleansing the liver and entire digestive tract of toxins.
To prepare the product, pour 500 g of oatmeal into 1.5 liters of cold water, cover with a cloth and leave for three days in a warm, dark place. Next, the mixture is simmered over low heat until thickened.
Allow the product to cool completely and drink half a glass three times a day. The full course of treatment is two weeks. To make the medicine tastier, you can add honey or crushed berries to it.
The medicinal infusion is prepared not from grains, but from green stalks of oats. They need to be thoroughly crushed and transferred to a 0.5 liter jar. The container is filled up to the hangers with vodka or medical alcohol and left in a cool, dark place for three weeks.
To achieve a healing effect, take 30 drops three times a day, diluting each serving with a small amount of water.
You can also prepare a healing drink from oatmeal and rose hips.
You will need:
- 500 g oatmeal;
- 1 tbsp. rose hips;
- 55 g dried rosehip leaves;
- 2 tbsp. l. corn silk;
- 3 tbsp. l. knotweed and birch buds.
All dry ingredients, except rose hips, are mixed, pour 4 liters of warm boiled water and leave for 24 hours. In another saucepan, boil a liter of water and add rose hips to it. Boil for 10 minutes and leave for 24 hours. Then boil again, pour into the oatmeal infusion and cook for another 15 minutes.
The result should be a little more than 3 liters of the finished drink. They drink 200 ml four times a day. To restore the pancreas and cleanse the liver, it is enough to take the drug for five days. It is better to consume it 30 minutes before meals.After five days of treatment, take a break of the same duration and repeat the course.
Possible harm and contraindications
Like any other folk remedy, oat-based preparations have contraindications. It should not be used by people with cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, high acidity of the stomach and cardiovascular insufficiency.
You should use oatmeal and preparations based on this cereal with caution during pregnancy. Grains contain phytic acid, which leaches calcium from bones.
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Oat grains, like porridge, are not just a dietary dish, but an effective means of traditional medicine. With its help, toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body, relieve inflammation of the digestive tract and improve overall health.