Calorie content of carrots and can you eat them at night

Society has a mixed opinion about the usefulness of carrots. However, its composition confirms the value of this vegetable for both a growing and an adult organism.

About whether it is possible to eat carrots at night, benefit or it will cause harm in this case - we will tell you in the article.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of carrots

Carrots are a valuable source of vitamin A (carotene, or plant retinol) and beta-carotene. One serving of the product covers the body's daily need for these elements more than twice. Therefore, carrots are consumed in limited quantities and at intervals.

An overdose of provitamins leads to poisoning. Excess carotenoids accumulate in tissues, and the liver cannot cope with its metabolism.

Reference. The dose of carotenoids in 100 g of product is 2000 mcg. Women and men require no more than 700 and 900 mcg per day, respectively. The maximum dosage is 3000 mcg. When 2-3 carrots (from 4000 mcg) are consumed daily for six months, the product causes chronic toxic poisoning of the body.

Carrots are an additional source of B vitamins (except B12), ascorbic acid, vitamins K, E, PP, H. They not only support metabolic processes at the cellular level, but also cleanse the body, remove toxins and waste. Antioxidants (A, C, E) are often used in the cosmetic industry to rejuvenate the skin and fight acne scars, becausethey improve tissue regeneration.

The chemical composition of carrots is represented by elements essential for the human body: potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, zinc.

Calorie content of carrots and can you eat them at night

Therefore, carrots are useful not only in childhood, when the body needs strength for growth and development, but also in “mature years,” when the strength of blood vessels and bones is depleted. The composition is rich in microelements: aluminum, boron, vanadium, copper, fluorine and others obtained from the soil.

Thanks to the low calorie content (35 kcal) product is suitable for fasting days. The bulk of the vegetable is represented by water (88%), carbohydrates (7%) and fiber (2.4%).

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) is 1:0.1:5.2. Carbohydrates include quickly digestible sugars (fructose, sucrose, glucose). The consumption of carrots with elevated blood sugar levels is always limited.

Glycemic index fresh product is 35, and boiled - 80, which is much more than potatoes and even chips. For people suffering from diabetes, boiled carrots are strictly prohibited.

Carrots are rich in polyunsaturated (omega) and plant acids (20 amino acids) - for example, glycine, arginine, alanine. Their content in the product is small, but the body is not able to produce some of them on its own.

Useful properties of carrots

Carrots are known not only as a “vegetable of growth and vision.” It is rich in antioxidants (lutein, lycopene), which fight infections and prevent the development of heart disease.

Biologically active molecules (polyacetylenes) are even able to protect a person from leukemia and the development of cancer, keeping pathogenic cells in an inactive state.

Eating carrots also helps:

  • maintaining vision and retinal pigmentation;
  • treatment of skin diseases, seborrhea and dermatitis;Calorie content of carrots and can you eat them at night
  • normalization of metabolism in epithelial cells - their growth and renewal;
  • reducing the risk of developing pathologies of mucous membranes;
  • better absorption of proteins (biotin H);
  • breakdown of fats and normalization of the nervous system (vitamins B);
  • normalization of intestinal motility and bile secretion;
  • strengthening bones, joints and blood vessels;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • maintaining microflora in the oral cavity (natural antibiotic of the phytoncides group);
  • treatment of kidney and liver diseases, in particular urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • cleansing the lymphatic system and normalizing the endocrine glands;
  • better ventilation of the lungs during colds and infections.

Can I use it in the evening, at night?

In food culture, carrots are usually consumed separately as a dessert or afternoon snack. But the nutritional value and satiety of this vegetable make it an ideal product for an evening snack, and dietary nutrition - for a full dinner.

Attention! Carrots have different effects on every body. To avoid the negative consequences of carrot dinners, you should plan your diet wisely and monitor the combination of foods. Otherwise, the menu will be useless or cause serious damage to health.

Carrots are eaten only raw for dinner - shavings, puree, juices. This snack is ideal for those who want to get in shape or lose extra pounds.

Any fatty product will bring benefit to the dish - cream, sour cream, vegetable oil or yogurt, which will help the intestines digest fiber and replenish the deficiency of microelements.

Many nutritionists and doctors claim that carrots for dinner will be an excellent solution for health-conscious people. But you should not constantly consume the product as dinner (3-4 times a week). The diet can be diluted with various soups, fresh juices or casseroles.

As a second dinner, carrots are more useful for women - they rejuvenate the skin. 50 g of product 2 hours before bedtime will not harm the body.

Important! Nutritionists suggest eating carrots in the evening for gradual weight loss. In this case, you should choose varieties of yellow, purple and red carrots.

What's the use of it

Eating carrots for dinner and at night has a positive effect on all systems in the body.

Main benefit:Calorie content of carrots and can you eat them at night

  • normalization of stool, elimination of constipation;
  • increased hemoglobin in the blood;
  • elimination of cholesterol deposits with harmful compounds;
  • normalization of the production of the female hormone estrogen;
  • eliminating the risk of having a child with developmental disabilities;
  • muscle relaxation after training or exercise;
  • normalization of male potency, elimination of problems with urination (weak diuretic effect);
  • detoxification of the body;
  • suppression of excessive appetite;
  • smoothing wrinkles and combating signs of aging.

Thermally processed vegetables practically do not contain vitamins that are necessary for the absorption of other trace elements and minerals.

Boiled carrots (salad with butter) are recommended to be included in the diet of people with weak peristalsis and those on carrot diets. In this case, it is easier for the intestines to cope with the digestion of coarse fibers.

Is it possible while losing weight?

Modern medicine has a positive attitude towards carrots as a means of losing weight. Nutritionists develop various programs and recipes to diversify the menu, because... Mono-diets always provoke even more weight gain due to starvation at the cellular level.

Carrots are useful for burning calories both in the evening and before bed (juices, cocktails). The weight loss effect is ensured by improving metabolism and eliminating toxins that disrupt carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

The main side effects of such a diet are indigestion, sometimes pain and colic, excessive drowsiness, headaches, nausea, and gag reflexes. This is partly explained by the digestion mechanism, and partly by the effect of beneficial microelements. The blood vessels dilate, and more and more tissues are cleared of toxins, which affects the liver and nervous system.

Is there any harm in eating carrots in the evening?

Like most vegetables, carrots should be consumed within the normal range for the vegetable to have a positive effect on the body. The specifics of the product can negatively affect health with a number of contraindications.

The main rule is to eat no more than 2-3 root vegetables per day, and if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, give up a raw food diet or switch to carrot juices.

Carrots in any form can cause significant harm if:Calorie content of carrots and can you eat them at night

  • gastritis, ulcers and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, because carrot juice further irritates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract due to its antimicrobial properties, and coarse fiber inhibits the healing of ulcers;
  • allergies to components in the composition, which sometimes cause a rash throughout the body;
  • the presence of large kidney stones, which, due to excessive urination, clog the ducts and do not dissolve;
  • liver diseases, which cannot even cope with the breakdown of fats and the removal of toxins, not to mention excess vitamin A;
  • burns of mucous membranes or other lesions.

Fresh or boiled carrots are a healthy dish, despite the restrictions. The only category of people who need to be careful about “carrot eating” are patients with chronic and pathological disorders (metabolic, hormonal, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.). In this case, the possibility of eating carrots before bed is discussed with your doctor individually.

The negative effects of carrots affect tooth enamel and skin. Despite the rejuvenating, moisturizing effect of the product, the pigments in its composition cause yellowing of teeth and skin. Carrots are even used in the summer season to get a golden tan.


Carrots are a natural medicine and healthy snack. The low calorie content of carrots allows you to consume the product at night while following strict weight loss diets. This is confirmed by experienced nutritionists, who not only see no harm in carrot dinners, but also advise consuming fresh carrots constantly to support immune and metabolic processes.

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