Varieties of the most effective carrot diets and fasting days
The carrot diet is one of the most effective and inexpensive methods of losing excess weight. Weight loss is achieved due to the beneficial properties of the vegetable, its low calorie content, and also due to the absence of “fast carbohydrates” in the diet.
The diet is based on eating not only carrots in any form, but also its combination with other foods, so this regimen is suitable for both women and men.
Calorie content, BJU and glycemic index of carrots
Of the various diet options, the carrot diet deserves special attention.. This is due to the fact that carrots, while low in calories, have a rich vitamin and mineral composition.
The root vegetable combines vitamins C, E, H, K, PP, group B, but most of all beta-carotene, that is, vitamin A, is found in the composition - 240% of the norm in 100 g.
In addition to vitamins, 100 g of the edible part of raw carrots contains:
- water - 88 g;
- organic acids - 0.3 g;
- dietary fiber - 2.4 g;
- ash - 1 g;
- starch;
- essential and non-essential amino acids;
- saturated fatty acids;
- omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
The biological value of the product is determined by minerals. High concentrations of silicon (83.35%), molybdenum (28.6%), cobalt (20%), manganese (10%), magnesium (9.5%), potassium and copper (8%), phosphorus were found in root vegetables (6.9%). Smaller amounts contain calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, iron, iodine, selenium, fluorine, chromium, and zinc.
The nutritional value of raw carrots is: 35 kcal, 1.3 g protein, 0.1 g fat and 6.9 g carbohydrates.
Glycemic index - 35 units. Boiled or stewed carrots have lower calorie content (21 kcal), while retaining most of the beneficial qualities inherent in the vegetable.
Carrots for weight loss
Knowing the nutritional properties of vegetables, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the carrot diet. Properly grown carrots without the use of nitrates contain virtually no fat, but are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Fiber content helps you feel full quickly, improves digestion, normalizes metabolism, rids the intestines of harmful waste and toxins. Against the background of these properties and low calorie content, weight loss occurs.
The result of losing weight depends on your overall diet, method of culinary processing of carrots and its quantity. In what form is it better to use carrots for weight loss?
In any form
Boiled or stewed carrots are even easier to digest, has lower calorie content compared to fresh. It increases the amount of antioxidants that resist skin aging and many diseases, but the glycemic index also increases significantly - from 85 units or more, depending on the degree of grinding (for fresh vegetables it is 35).
It means that When eating heat-treated carrots, the sugar content increases and, accordingly, insulin in the blood, and the feeling of hunger quickly returns.
That's why Ideally, when dieting for weight loss, it is better to consume raw carrots and carrot juice. Boiled and stewed carrots can be useful and appropriate only after training or heavy physical labor to restore lost carbohydrates.Nutritionists completely exclude fried carrots in vegetable oil, seasoned with various high-calorie sauces and mayonnaise.
How carrots help you lose weight
A carrot diet helps not only to achieve the desired shape, but also to improve health.
The advantage of the vegetable is its high content of beta-carotene (vitamin A). He performs a number of important functions:
- normalizes protein synthesis;
- stimulates metabolism;
- participates in the production of steroid hormones and mineral metabolism;
- neutralizes dangerous free radicals;
- ensures proper functioning of the immune system;
- regulates blood cholesterol levels;
- supports normal growth and development of the body.
Besides, Carrots contain plant fiber, which reduces appetite and helps you lose weight.. It absorbs fats and acids in the small intestine, removes salts and heavy metals from the body, fights the absorption of toxic substances, and normalizes stool. A diet based on carrots helps to cope with old fat deposits, since fiber easily breaks them down.
For reference. Plant fiber stimulates motor activity, increases endurance and performance, which entails additional calorie consumption and weight loss.
B vitamins prevent the deposition of fat cells on the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol, have a positive effect on the condition of small capillaries and vascular walls, increase their strength and elasticity, and normalize blood circulation processes.
The beneficial properties of carrots do not end there. Iodine, iron, phosphorus, along with vitamin C, support immunity during a diet, because it is stressful for the body. The vitamins and minerals contained in the vegetable ensure the normal functioning of physiological processes. Therefore, with proper organization of your diet, you can lose weight on carrots without compromising your health.
Varieties of carrot diets
Due to its popularity Many carrot-based diets have been developed. Each person, depending on their taste preferences and the desired weight loss result, will be able to choose the best option for themselves.
The main food product is carrots. It is consumed in any form: boiled, raw, baked, stewed, steamed, juice. In addition, the orange root vegetable goes well with other products: vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products, and meat dishes.
Other types of vegetable diets:
How to use beets for weight loss
By duration
Depending on the intended weight loss effect and overall health carrot diet is designed for 1-2 (unloading), 3, 7 and 10 days.
For 3 days
Carrot diet for 3 days allows you to safely get rid of 2-3 unnecessary kilograms. This diet includes only raw carrot salad without salt and sugar. If eating bland food is unacceptable to you, you can season the salad with a small amount of vegetable oil, natural soy sauce or lemon juice.
Advice. For variety, you can add grated green apple, tangerine, grapefruit, kiwi, and orange to the salad.
You will need about 1 kg of carrots per day, more is possible, at the rate of one large carrot per serving. For better absorption and digestion, it is grated. You need to eat often, but in small portions, without snacks.
It is important to drink plenty of free fluids between meals. This could be water, mineral water without gases, unsweetened green tea, apple and carrot juice.
It is difficult to survive more than three days on one carrot. Besides, Only absolutely healthy people can follow a long-term mono-diet on raw vegetables.who do not have problems with the digestive system. Therefore, dietary nutrition has been expanded, mainly due to fresh vegetables, fruits, low-fat soups, and low-calorie dairy products.
Carrots can be boiled or eaten fresh, added to soups and salads. The basic rule is no high-calorie foods, sauces, seasonings, smoked meats, oils, salt, or other junk foods. A week-long course promises a weight gain of 4-5 kg.
10 days
This diet is considered the safest for health.. Its essence lies in the consumption of raw or heat-treated carrots in combination with healthy and affordable products, including:
low-fat cottage cheese;
- sour cream with a fat content of 10-15% for dressing salads;
- 1% kefir and natural yogurt;
- fresh vegetables: white cabbage, cucumbers, salad peppers, assorted greens;
- fruits: apples, citrus fruits, kiwi, lemon;
- lean meat, chicken, fish;
- honey;
- oil: linseed, olive, sunflower.
Drinks include green tea, fruit and vegetable juices without preservatives and other harmful additives, mineral water. Average weight loss rates range from 6-7 kg. If you add non-extreme physical activity, the effectiveness of weight loss will increase and can be minus 10 kg.
Important! Portions of meat and fish dishes should be small - 150-200 g. For snacks between main meals - fresh vegetables and fruits.You should also continue to drink plenty of water.
According to diet
Separation according to the diet involves a combination of carrots with another product from the list of permitted. It could be white cabbage, fresh cucumber, beets, apples, honey, etc. You can choose the range of products yourself, focusing on your own food preferences.
On Korean carrots
The main diet is Korean carrots. This is a fairly satisfying dish that contains a significant amount of fat. (23.5 g per 100 g serving). Its calorie content is about 200 kcal. For a week, you need to eat 300 g of Korean carrots daily in several meals.
Be sure to supplement carrots with healthy protein products every time.. These are lean meats, eggs, low-calorie fish and seafood. The energy value of the diet should be at the level of 1200-1400 kcal.
Korean carrots when losing weight it's better to cook on your own. This way you will be confident in the quality of the product and can prepare the dish to your taste.
Advice. For a more effective weight loss process, try to use less salt in the recipe, as it retains liquid, which subsequently causes swelling and excess weight due to water.
On apples and carrots
Apples are very useful for weight loss. The main substance in them is pectin. Its functions are diverse: it breaks down old fat deposits, removes fats and acids from the intestines, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxic substances, and normalizes stool. But due to an unbalanced and low-calorie diet, such a diet cannot be considered for long-term weight loss. Its optimal duration without harm to health is 3 days.
While on a diet, the daily diet includes 5-6 ripe, fresh carrots and 4-5 apples. During the day you need to drink a lot of water, you can have green tea.
As for apples, sweet or sour-sweet varieties are preferable, since sour ones contain many amino acids, which is why they have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
If you intend to follow the carrot-apple diet for more than three days, the diet must be expanded, mainly due to greens, lean meat and low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.
On cabbage with carrots
Cabbage is low in calories (from 27 to 55 kcal per 100 g of product, depending on the variety), saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, provides a quick and long-lasting feeling of satiety. It is allowed to include various types of cabbage in the diet - white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, cauliflower - in combination with fresh carrots.
That is During the day you need to eat vegetable salad in small portions and drink plenty of fluids - for example, carrot juice, rosehip decoction without sugar, still water.
To dress the salad, use lemon juice, low-fat natural yogurt, olive oil or soy sauce. You can add a handful of raisins, a fresh apple, citrus fruits, and beets to the salad. This will help diversify the menu.
On beets with carrots
The basis of the diet is beets and carrots. Vegetables can be consumed in any form (fresh, boiled, stewed or baked) and combined with each other in different recipes. For example, you can prepare a salad of fresh carrots, beets and cabbage with lemon juice or a beet-carrot salad of boiled vegetables with vegetable oil.
Carrots and beet are processed into juice, which can also be consumed during the diet.Light vegetable soup is prepared from vegetables. In a week of the beetroot-carrot diet you can get rid of 4-5 kg.
On carrots and eggs
The carrot-egg diet for weight loss is effective, but, according to nutritionists, not the safest. It is recommended to observe it for no more than three days. The menu consists of two meals: for breakfast and lunch they eat one boiled egg, boiled or fresh carrots, grated.
There is no full dinner; it is replaced with a cup of warm green tea. Average weight loss rates vary between 3-4 kg.
On carrots and cucumbers
Weight loss mainly occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, swelling subsides, visually the body takes on the desired shape. The diet itself takes 7 days. You need to eat 1 kg of unpeeled cucumbers and about the same amount of fresh carrots per day.
To avoid breakdown and not harm your health, you can eat other vegetables and fruits, greens, porridge without oil, drink cucumber smoothie with the addition of celery and parsley. For lunch, a small portion (150-200 g) of boiled beef, turkey or chicken is allowed.
With honey
Carrot-honey diet lasts four days. During the first three days, you should eat a carrot salad made from 700-800 g of carrots with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. natural honey and lemon juice to taste. Divide the salad into 3-4 servings. Between meals you can eat fruit, with the exception of grapes and bananas.
They eat like this for three days. The fourth day is more varied and includes, in addition to carrots with honey, two boiled potatoes, a slice of yeast-free bread, 100-150 g of lean meat. Throughout the diet and after, do not forget to drink plenty of water.
With sour cream
For 7-10 days, eat a salad of fresh grated carrots, seasoned with sour cream. with a low fat percentage. To diversify the menu, carrots can be boiled, coarsely chopped, poured with sour cream, and garnished with herbs.
You can add other foods in moderation: water-based porridge, vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat and fish.
With carrot juice
Freshly prepared carrot juice is distinguished by its ability to remove carcinogenic substances from the stomach, salts of heavy metals. After consuming it, there is no feeling of hunger for a long time.
Sample diet menu for carrot juice:
- Breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, diluted 1:3 with water.
- Lunch: half an hour before meals, 200 ml of fresh carrot juice, then a portion of vegetarian soup + unleavened porridge.
- Dinner: half an hour before meals, a glass of carrot and apple juice, 150 g of boiled veal + fresh cabbage salad.
Even if you drink carrot juice, it is important to follow the drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of free fluid per day.
Water helps to avoid dehydration, normalize the water-salt balance, and speed up the process of removing broken down fats, wastes and toxins from the body.
Fasting days on carrots
Fasting day on carrots Helps you maintain a normal weight or lose a few extra pounds. To avoid negative effects on metabolic processes and the occurrence of health problems, unloading is carried out once every two weeks. Usually it lasts 1-2 days - during this time you can get rid of 1.5-2 unnecessary kilograms.
For reference. Weight loss mainly occurs due to the removal of excess water, waste, and toxic substances from the body.
Fasting day includes 4-5 meals of grated fresh carrots and plenty of water, green tea without sugar. In salads, as with the 3-day diet, you can add fresh apples, citrus fruits, and kiwi. Carrot juice is allowed; it contains less fiber, but is easier and faster to digest.
How to get out of a diet correctly
Upon completion of any version of the carrot diet, there is a possibility that the lost kilograms may return, and in some situations even exceed the initial values.
To consolidate the effect of losing weight, it is important to exit the diet correctly:
- The return to the usual diet should be gradual, at least equal to the duration of the chosen diet, ideally twice as long.
- Prohibited foods should be introduced gradually one at a time on each subsequent day in small portions. You need to start with cereals and end with meat dishes.
- If possible, limit harmful foods, fried, fatty, smoked, semi-finished products, sweets, flour, alcohol.
- Throughout the exit and after, continue to drink a lot of water (1.5-3 l).
- Start your morning by drinking a glass of water with lemon juice.
- Eat often, 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
- Control your weight. If it increases, stop adding new foods to your diet and reduce the amount of food consumed.
Recipes for dietary carrot dishes
Due to the fact that carrots go well with meat, mushrooms, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, dietary dishes made from them are varied and numerous. When preparing any dish, try to make it less caloric: For example, you can bake vegetables in the oven without vegetable oil.
Advice. It is recommended to cut carrots for stewing and boiling into large portions - in this case the glycemic index will be lower.
Let's start with fresh cabbage and carrot salad. This dish will ideally complement both cereal porridge and meat, fish, and poultry.
How to cook:
- Peel the carrots and grate them.
- Shred the cabbage.
- Peel the onion and thinly cut into half rings.
- Combine all ingredients, add salt, pepper to taste, lemon juice and minimal vegetable oil, mix.
The following recipes can be used in everyday healthy eating, while on a diet or when going off it.
For the first one you can cook carrot soup.
water or low-fat broth;
- onion;
- carrot;
- orange zest;
- butter;
- ginger;
- greenery;
- spices and salt.
- Cut the onion and carrots into cubes, simmer until soft in a saucepan with water.
- Add orange zest and a small piece of ginger to the boiled broth or boiling water to give the soup a unique aroma. Let it boil for 5-10 minutes and remove.
- Add carrots and onions to the broth and cook over low heat until the vegetables are tender.
- Drain the broth, place the vegetables in a blender, and blend until pureed. Gradually add broth to the vegetable mixture to the desired consistency.
- Season the finished soup with butter, salt and pepper. Before serving, garnish with herbs in portions.
The following recipe will be a good alternative to sweets - carrot diet cake. 100 g contains 116 kcal.
carrots - 2 pcs.;
- milk - 200 ml;
- eggs - 4 pcs.;
- wheat flour - 50 g;
- oat flakes - 100 g;
- vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
- butter - 20 g;
- baking powder - 1 tsp;
- salt on the tip of a knife.
How to make carrot pie:
- Peel fresh carrots and grate them on a fine grater.
- Pour warm milk over the flakes and leave to swell.
- Beat the cooled eggs with a mixer with salt and vanilla sugar.
- Add carrots and oatmeal to the egg mixture and stir. Then add baking powder, sift the flour, mix well again.
- Grease a baking dish with butter and transfer the resulting mass. Bake in a preheated oven for 50-60 minutes at +180°C.
- Remove the cake from the pan after it has cooled.
Possible harm and contraindications
Any diet, including carrots, must be followed carefully, constantly monitoring your well-being. Due to carbohydrate deficiency, side effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and general malaise are possible.
Carrots at night are also not recommended, as their excessive consumption can lead to increased drowsiness, swelling, and headache. Therefore, the last vegetable intake should be no later than three hours before bedtime.
Another possible unwanted effect with prolonged and heavy consumption of carrots - carotene jaundice. This is a jaundiced coloration of the skin due to the accumulation of carotene in it. This condition is usually not dangerous to health and is more considered as an aesthetic problem.
The carrot diet has a number of contraindications, including:
- allergy on the product;
- urolithiasis disease;
- diabetes;
- increased stomach acidity;
- digestive diseases in the acute stage;
- high blood pressure.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, carrots are allowed and healthy, but the diet itself should be gentle and carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist and only if absolutely necessary. Elderly people, children and adolescents should follow the diet with caution.
Nutritionist opinions
According to numerous reviews from women losing weight on carrots is simple and without harm to the body; failures on it are rare. But the opinions of nutritionists are not so unanimous.
Any diet is stress for the body, a poor diet, which means a deficiency of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and minerals. More supporters find a fasting day on carrots.
Evgeniy, nutritionist: “The effect of losing weight will depend on the specific person, the presence of excess weight, concomitant diseases, metabolic rate, age, habits, lifestyle and other equally important factors. The carrot diet, among other popular diet programs, has a more balanced diet, and you can really get rid of a few extra pounds. The question is, how can you avoid damaging your health and maintain the results? As practice shows, in 80% of cases, when a person returns to his usual diet and eating habits, the weight returns, sometimes even with interest. Now think about whether it’s worth losing weight by eating carrots, or is it more advisable to just lead a healthy lifestyle?”.
Larisa, Ph.D.: “A fasting day on carrots is good and even beneficial for the body. Its main result is to maintain a certain weight, return to normal after periods of overeating, provide a feeling of lightness, and a surge of energy. Without harm to health, the body can remain in this mode for 1-2 days.If the body experiences a deficiency in calories and nutrients for a longer period of time, then vitamin deficiency and exacerbation of chronic diseases are inevitable.”.
Leo, gastroenterologist: “According to indications, I prescribe a carrot diet to my patients. With its help, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the health of the body as a whole: improve bowel movements, normalize metabolism, cleanse the kidneys, blood and intestines of waste and toxins, and reduce cholesterol levels. But here it is important to work together with a specialist, who must competently draw up a weight loss program, provide for the preparation stage and the correct way out of the diet. The person, for his part, is obliged to strictly follow the instructions.”.
The carrot diet is an economical, simple and effective way to get rid of extra pounds. It is accessible and cheap, and does not require much time to prepare dishes. Regardless of the menu option chosen, all products can be found in the store at any time of the year at an affordable price.
The obvious advantage of the orange vegetable is cleansing and healing the body. Intestinal problems and constipation due to the pronounced laxative effect of carrots are excluded.