Early ripening carrot hybrids: Shantane, Cordoba, Red Cored

Carrots are one of the most common vegetables in gardens. Among the various varieties and hybrids, early ripening ones are popular, especially in regions with temperate and cold climates. Such crops include the Chantenay variety and the Red Cored and Cordoba hybrids bred on its basis.


The carrot variety Shantane 2461 became the ancestor of the variety with smooth, bright orange root vegetables, juicy and sweet in taste. Chantenay varieties ripen quickly and are suitable for cold regions. Moreover, such carrots contain the same amount of useful substances as those grown in the south.

Early ripening carrot hybrids: Shantane, Cordoba, Red Cored

Origin and development

Chantanay carrots appeared in the first half of the twentieth century in France. It came to our country in the early 40s of the last century, and in 1943 the variety Chantenay 2461, obtained by selection from French species by Moscow breeders, was entered into the State Register.

In the early 2000s, the Cordoba hybrid was bred from the Chantenay variety in Holland, which was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2007. The hybrid Red Kored also appeared in the same country. The official breeder is Nickerson-Zwaan.

Interesting. Other varieties of mother culture are Shantane Royal, Royal, Comet.

Composition and beneficial properties

The set of macro- and microelements contained in early carrots is almost ideal, therefore use its all year round.

Root vegetables are especially rich in the following substances:

  • potassium - 200 mg per 100 g;
  • calcium - 27 mg per 100 g.

Carrots are a low-calorie product: 100 g contains only 35 kcal and 0.15 g of fat. Despite the high density, the vegetable is juicy. Chantanay and its hybrids contain little sugar (6–10%).

Vitamins in root vegetables:

  • A - necessary for growth, improves vision, condition of skin, hair, nails;
  • group B - normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • C - strengthens the immune system, reduces the severity of inflammation;
  • PP - lowers cholesterol, improves coordination and memory, participates in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates;
  • K - prevents hemorrhages and bleeding, restores the skeletal system, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E - has antioxidant properties, improves skin condition.

The vitamin composition of carrots does not decrease after heat treatment.

Ripening time

Chantenay is a mid-early variety: vegetables ripen in 90–110 days. Therefore, when planted in open ground, root crops are harvested already in July. In the greenhouse, 2 harvests are obtained per season.

The Cordoba hybrid ripens somewhat later, after 100–120 days. These are mid-late carrots. The growing season of mid-early Red Kored is 100–110 days.


Chantenay has an average yield, 9-10 kg per 1 m2. For Cordoba and Red Cored hybrids, this figure is 6-7 kg and 8-9 kg, respectively.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Chantenay and its varieties are resistant to rhizoctonia. Wireworms and carrot psyllids rarely appear on them.

Hybrid Red Cored has strong immunity to powdery and downy mildew, and cercospora. If standard agrotechnical practices are not followed, Chantenay is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Improper care of hybrids provokes the appearance of carrot flies and infection with Phoma.


Early ripening carrot hybrids: Shantane, Cordoba, Red Cored

Cordoba, Red Cored and Chantenay carrots reach a length of 17–22 cm and have the shape of an elongated cone. The variety has strong, juicy root crops that are quite sweet. They contain up to 17 mg of carotene per 100 g of product. The crop has densely folded leaves, which makes harvesting easier.

Reference. Chantenay has a long shelf life, and Red Cored is delicious raw.

For which regions are they suitable?

Early carrots are cultivated in central Russia. Recommended regions for Chantenay: Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka and Central. The climate of Siberia and Ural allows you to plant this variety, but later in time.

Hybrids Red Cored and Cordoba, in addition to those indicated, are zoned for the Far Eastern, Lower Volga, and North Caucasus regions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Chantenay, Red Koreda and Cordoba:

  • precocity;
  • high productivity;
  • long-term storage;
  • disease resistance;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • attractive presentation of root crops;
  • juicy sweet taste of carrots;
  • versatility in cooking.

Early carrots have practically no significant disadvantages.

Differences from other varieties

Cordoba, Red Cored and the original Chantenay variety are particularly frost-resistant, which is why they are planted in early spring.

Typically, early ripening carrots are not suitable for storage, but Chantenay and its hybrids are an exception.

Features of planting and growing

Depending on the speed at which carrots ripen, planting seeds and growing vegetables varies.

Preparing for landing

In order for the crop to germinate faster, the planting material is pre-soaked in clean water for 2-3 days, then germinated in a damp, warm cloth.

Hybrid seeds Red Cored and Cordoba carrots are not disinfected: the manufacturer took care of this.Chantenay grains are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before soaking.

With this method of preparation, the first shoots appear within 7–10 days, and the weeds do not have time to choke out the shoots.

Soil requirements

Chantenay and its hybrids like well-aerated soil. The best option is loam, peat or sandy soil.. Based on acidity, choose a slightly alkaline or neutral composition. Acidic soil is preliminarily limed.


The best predecessors for early carrots: onions, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini. It’s especially good if you previously fed organic fertilizers.

The crop is not planted for 2 years in a row in the same place: there is a high risk of root crops being damaged by pests. This vegetable does not like to grow after peas, beans, lettuce, celery, parsnips and parsley.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Early ripening carrot hybrids: Shantane, Cordoba, Red Cored

Early carrots are not particularly sensitive to cold, so they are planted at the end of April. 2 days before sowing, the beds are watered abundantly. The seeds are placed in furrows 2-3 cm deep. The row spacing is 40–50 cm. The distance between the grains is about 2 cm.

There are 3 crop planting schemes:

  1. Flat - rows are formed on a flat bed, seeds are planted evenly. This method retains moisture.
  2. Line — the seeds are planted along the ridge of the bed. This makes it more convenient to weed, but when watering and fertilizing, the liquid drains.
  3. High — designed for planting carrots in elevated areas. Form deep rows and bury seeds in them. The method is convenient for controlling watering.

Features of cultivation

The soil in which carrots grow is regularly loosened. Otherwise, crusts form on the soil surface, causing the root crops to become distorted.Loosen the soil after watering or rain, allowing it to dry out a little.

Nuances of care

Caring for early-ripening carrots is standard: vegetables are regularly watered, fertilized, and weeded.

Watering mode

Moisten the plants once every 2-3 days, otherwise the vegetables will taste bitter. Water should penetrate 25–30 cm deep into the soil. As the root crops grow, watering is reduced and stopped 2-3 weeks before harvest so that the vegetables do not crack.

Important! In rainy weather, the crop is not irrigated to avoid waterlogging. In hot weather, the frequency of watering is increased to three times a week (even for large root crops).

Thinning and weed control

Plants are kept at a distance of 4–7 cm from each other. Plantings begin to be thinned after germination, leaving the strongest shoots.

Carrots need constant weeding. This is done even before the sprouts appear. Weeds take nutrients from the soil; as a result, root crops do not grow to the required size, lose their juiciness, and become tough.

Top dressing

Chantenay, Cordoba and Red Cored are fertilized twice per season: when the first leaves form and 30 days after.

To feed, add one of the following substances to 10 liters of water:

  • nitrophoska - 15 g;
  • ash - 400 g;
  • saltpeter - 20 g;
  • urea - 15 g;
  • superphosphate - 30 g.

The resulting solution is applied to the soil during irrigation. For every m2 5 liters is enough.

Disease and pest control

Early hybrids are affected by insects and diseases if the rules of crop rotation, care and planting density are not followed.

Frequent diseases and pests:

  1. Carrot fly. The insecticide "Inta-Vir" is used against it. One tablet is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and the resulting solution is sprayed onto the plantings. After two weeks, the treatment is repeated.
  2. Root rot. Affected plants are sprayed with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.
  3. Alternaria blight. Vegetables are watered with the biological fungicide “Alirin-B”: two tablets are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Harvest and storage

Early ripening carrot hybrids: Shantane, Cordoba, Red Cored

Depending on the time of planting, carrots are harvested in August or September.

How and when to collect

The harvest period for crops grown in open ground occurs 3–3.5 months after sowing. In dry weather, root vegetables are carefully pulled out, holding them by the tops.

By the way. When planted deeply, the tops sometimes break off. In this case, use a pitchfork.

Storage features and shelf life

Carrots planted in spring are stored for 7-8 months after harvest. First, the root vegetables are cleared of soil and dried well, after which the tops are cut off, leaving no more than 0.5–1 cm. The vegetables are laid out in boxes.

Storage conditions:

  • temperature - within 0...+5°C;
  • humidity - 85–95%;
  • poor air circulation in the room.

Root crops damaged by a pitchfork or shovel are placed in a separate box and used first.

Difficulties in growing

Despite the unpretentiousness of early carrots, vegetable growers face a number of problems when growing them.

Usually difficulties arise due to improper care of plantings:

  1. Curved root vegetables. The main reason for this is inappropriate watering regime. Vegetables become deformed if the soil is first dried out and then watered abundantly for several days. The crop does not develop properly in rocky soil. During the formation of vegetables, nitrogen fertilizers and fresh manure should not be applied.
  2. "Hairiness" of carrots. This is a consequence of irregular watering and infertile soil. Such vegetables will not lose their taste, but they can no longer be stored for long periods of time.
  3. Bitter taste. The reason lies in incorrect agricultural technology, when the top of the root crop is exposed. As a result, solanine is formed, which imparts bitterness. To avoid this, carrots are regularly hilled, and the tops sticking out of the ground are covered with earth. Another reason is late harvesting.

Advice from experienced gardeners

Carrots are an unpretentious crop, but gardeners have their own tricks for growing them:Early ripening carrot hybrids: Shantane, Cordoba, Red Cored

  1. The vegetable is planted next to onions or calendula to protect against pests.
  2. Water the plantings in the evening, when the tops wilt. Stop irrigation as soon as you smell the smell of fresh carrots.
  3. For fertilizer use dried brewed black tea.
  4. Ripe root vegetables are collected in stages: first, a few are pulled out for food, thereby thinning out the bed. The remaining vegetables will grow faster and receive more nutrition.
  5. The harvest is stored in boxes, sprinkled with sand in layers. Moss and onion peels are suitable instead.


Vegetable growers consider the Chantenay variety and the Red Cored and Cordoba hybrids to be among the best for growing in vegetable gardens.

Stanislav, Kirov region: “I’ve been planting Chantenay carrots for several years now. It is easy to grow, and the harvest fully corresponds to the description. I like that it ripens quickly and is very tasty. After trying different varieties, I settled on this one.”

Alisa, Yaroslavl: “I love early varieties because they are juicy. These carrots produce more juice. I also really like its size and shape: it’s easy to clean vegetables.”

Tatyana, Chelyabinsk region: “I am a beginner gardener, so it was important to me that the beds were easy to care for. I tried to plant Red Cored. I was very pleased! The carrots grew smooth, large, and juicy to taste.Using the advice of experienced summer residents, I saved part of the harvest for the winter.”


Carrots of the Chantenay variety, Cordoba and Red Cored hybrids are ready for harvest within 100–110 days after planting. The crop is grown in many regions of the Russian Federation. The root vegetables are sweet and juicy, with an attractive presentation.

Vegetable care is standard; if all agricultural measures are taken, the varieties are not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. The harvested crop is stored all winter.

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