What is good about root celery, how to grow and use it correctly
Root celery is a biennial plant from the Celery or Umbrella family. He comes from Mediterranean countries. Residents of Ancient Greece and Egypt used it in folk medicine. The first mentions of celery as a food product appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. The culture is popular in European countries and has relatively recently appeared in the diet of Russian residents.
In this material, we have prepared detailed information about growing root celery in open ground and its areas of application.
What does root celery look like and grow?
In the first year, a large root crop of round or flat-round shape is formed, weighing 400-600 g, diameter 5-12 cm. The color of the skin is gray-white, the flesh is white, creamy.
Three-lobed celery leaves. The length of the petioles is about 50 cm. The growing season of the plant is 180-200 days.
The photo above is celery root.
In the second year, an arrow appears with a flower umbrella up to 1 m long. The seeds are small, gray-brown in color, and are characterized by a long germination period - about 30 days. After seed germination, sprouts appear within 15-20 days.
The skin of root vegetables is thin and easy to peel off.. It is recommended to use gloves when processing - the juice turns the skin dark.
Celery root is added to broths, soups, salads, baked, stewed, fried, pickled and even made sweet jam from it.
Features of culture
Celery root seeds quickly lose their viability — shelf life does not exceed two years. A long growing season involves using the seedling method of cultivating the plant.
Sowing work begins no later than February, so that the root crops have time to ripen before the first frost.
What is good about celery root?
Celery root has a rich chemical composition and low calorie content, which allows it to be included in the diet menu.
Composition and nutritional value
The table shows the vitamin and mineral composition of celery root (per 100 g).
Name | Content | Norm |
Vitamin A | 3 mcg | 900 mcg |
Beta carotene | 0.01 mg | 5 mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0.03 mg | 1.5 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0.06 mg | 1.8 mg |
Vitamin B4 | 9 mg | 500 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0.4 mg | 5 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.15 mg | 2 mg |
Vitamin B9 | 7 mcg | 400 mcg |
Vitamin C | 8 mg | 90 mg |
Vitamin E | 0.5 mg | 15 mg |
Vitamin H | 0.1 mcg | 50 mcg |
Vitamin K | 41 mcg | 120 mcg |
Vitamin PP | 1.2 mg | 20 mg |
Potassium | 393 mg | 2500 mg |
Calcium | 63 mg | 1000 mg |
Silicon | 29 mg | 30 mg |
Magnesium | 33 mg | 400 mg |
Sodium | 77 mg | 1300 mg |
Sulfur | 15 mg | 1000 mg |
Phosphorus | 27 mg | 800 mg |
Chlorine | 13 mg | 2300 mg |
Iron | 0.5 mg | 18 mg |
Iodine | 0.4 mcg | 150 mcg |
Cobalt | 1.8 mcg | 10 mcg |
Manganese | 0.158 mg | 2 mg |
Copper | 70 mcg | 1000 mcg |
Molybdenum | 4 mcg | 70 mcg |
Selenium | 0.7 mcg | 55 mcg |
Fluorine | 4 mcg | 4000 mcg |
Chromium | 2.4 mcg | 50 mcg |
Zinc | 0.33 mg | 12 mg |
Nutritional value of the product per 100 g:
- calorie content - 42 kcal;
- proteins - 1.5 g;
- fats - 0.3 g;
- carbohydrates - 7.4 g;
- fiber - 1.8 g;
- water - 88 g.
Benefits and harms
Beneficial properties of celery root:
eliminates inflammatory processes;
- removes toxins;
- supports the immune system;
- regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- increases sexual desire;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- reduces bad cholesterol levels;
- increases hemoglobin;
- eliminates allergies;
- improves intestinal motility;
- tones the body;
- reduces swelling;
- improves brain activity;
- regulates metabolism;
- rejuvenates the body;
- regulates the menstrual cycle.
Celery root Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from varicose veins, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
Agricultural technology of culture
Celery root is grown through seedlings from seeds followed by picking and transferring to open ground. Care involves sufficient watering, loosening, fertilizing and trimming the side roots.
Preparing seeds and soil
The timing of sowing celery seedlings depends on the growing region: in the northern regions - at the end of January - early February, in the central regions - all of February, in the southern regions - the second ten days of February - the first ten days of March.
Before sowing, the seeds are stratified: keep for a day in warm water, wrap in a damp cloth and leave for 6-7 days at room temperature. Next, the fabric with the seeds is placed in the refrigerator for 14-15 days.
In addition to stratification, they use:
soaking in warm water for a week;
- germination in damp gauze on a saucer with water (7-10 days);
- soaking in hot water;
- germination in wet sawdust.
The easiest way to prepare celery seeds for sowing - treatment with growth stimulants "Epin" or "Zircon".
Seeds purchased from trusted manufacturers do not need disinfection. Those collected by hand are pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin..
Sowing and caring for seedlings
A layer of straw 2 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the seedling boxes to maintain the optimal temperature of the root system and absorb excess water.
The soil mixture is prepared from peat, turf, humus, coarse river sand (3:1:1:1). Add 400 g of ash and 1 tsp to a 10 kg bucket. urea.
The germinated seeds are slightly dried, mixed with sand and sown in boxes with moist soil. Sow in rows to a depth of 1 cm with an interval of 5 cm.
The container is placed in a dark, warm place and covered glass or plastic film. The prepared seed material sprouts in 12-15 days at an air temperature of +22...+25°C.
After the sprouts appear, the film or glass is removed and the box is placed on a lighted windowsill. The optimal air temperature is no higher than +16°C.
For the prevention of fungal diseases When watering, add “Fitosporin” or “Trichodermin” to the water. Watering frequency - 2-3 times a week.
Thick shoots are thinned out to prevent weakening of seedlings and stretching into growth. The procedure is repeated as necessary.
Substrate periodically loosen with a wooden peg for additional aeration of the root system.
The first month celery root grows slowly. Approximately 25 days after sowing, the first true leaves appear. At this stage, the seedlings are transplanted into individual 300 ml containers. The thickness of the soil mixture is at least 10 cm.
When transferring, seedlings are immersed in soil up to the cotyledon leaves.without filling the central growth point. The root system is carefully covered with earth. Picking ensures the growth of additional lateral roots; seedlings take root better and develop in spacious containers.
When picking celery root seedlings Do not pinch the main root, otherwise a brush of unsightly-looking roots with a small root crop will form.
Next, the seedlings are watered and shaded with paper for 3 days.. Pale leaves indicate a lack of minerals, so urea is used for feeding (1 tsp per 10 liters of water).
Celery seedlings grow best at temperatures air temperature during the day is +15…+16°С and +11…+12°С at night.
Important! If the air temperature at night stays at +10°C for a long time, after transplanting into the garden, the plants throw out flower stalks. The quality and quantity of the harvest decreases sharply.
Further care of seedlings includes loosening the soil, watering 2-3 times every 7 days, ventilation and periodic fertilizing with mineral compounds: 1 tsp. “Nitrofoski” for 1 liter of warm water. It is even better to use complex fertilizers “Kemira-Lux” and “Solution”. Each time after feeding, the leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle to wash away any remaining nutrients and prevent burns.
1-2 weeks before planting seedlings in the garden, the containers are taken out into the open air. First they leave it only during the day, and then at night. This must be done to harden the plants and ensure better survival in the new location. 3 hours before transplanting, seedlings are watered abundantly.
Planting in open ground
Celery in open ground planted at the age of 50-60 days, after the appearance of 4-5 true leaves. You should not expect large root crops from weak and overexposed seedlings.
The optimal time for transferring celery root seedlings is the second ten days of May. In the southern regions it is planted 1-2 weeks earlier.
Celery of early varieties gives a higher yield compared to with late varieties of celery.
Root celery grown on light sandy loam soil rich in humus. The site is chosen on the south side of the garden.
In autumn, the soil is dug up and fed with humus (10 liters per 1 m²). In the spring, deep plowing is carried out and the soil is watered with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. Holes with a depth of 10 cm are formed on the site. The planting pattern is 20x20 cm. The row spacing is 50 cm.
It can be useful:
Growing leaf celery in open ground
Rules of care:
- The soil is kept constantly moist, without overwatering and avoiding excessive dryness. The frequency of watering depends on the weather.
- The area is mulched with sawdust, straw or rotted hay to prevent weed growth and retain moisture.
- Loosening is carried out after each watering, weeding - as the weeds grow.
- As soon as the root crop increases in size, the soil is raked away, freeing the root part and stripping the lateral roots. This contributes to the formation of round and large root crops.
- The culture is fed with an infusion of chicken manure (1:15) 2 weeks after planting in the ground, “Nitrophoska” or “Superphosphate” (25 g per 10 liters of water) - at the end of July.
- The tops of root celery are not cut off until harvest, otherwise the root crop will not receive proper nutrition and will ripen small.
Diseases and pests
Celery root is resistant to most fungal and viral diseases: viral mosaic, white rot, black leg. To prevent infection, it is enough to regularly weed the beds, maintain an optimal level of soil moisture, observe crop rotation, and timely feed with minerals.
No chemicals are used to kill slugs and carrot flies., since roots and foliage absorb toxic substances like a sponge. Biological preparations are used to treat plantings: “Bitoxibacillin”, “Gaupsin”, “Boverin”, “Fitoverm”, “Lepidocid”, “Verticillin”.
Slugs are collected manually or the plantings are sprayed with a solution of ammonia. (2 tbsp per 10 l). All procedures are carried out at night, when pests are active.
Used to repel carrot flies:
- ammonia (2 tbsp per 10 l);
- saline solution (1 tbsp per 10 l);
- onion peels (400 g per 5 l);
- orange zest (5 kg per 5 l);
- tobacco dust, ground red pepper, mustard powder (for dusting plants).
Harvest and storage
Yellow and limp foliage indicates complete ripeness of root crops. The day before digging, water the soil generously for easy extraction of celery. Root crops are pulled out of loose and soft soil by the tops.
It is difficult to remove celery from clogged soil, so gardeners use a shovel or pitchfork. The root vegetables are carefully lifted and pulled out, the greens are cut off, the soil is cleaned off, the vegetables are left to dry in the garden.
Damaged ones eat first, they are not suitable for storage, because they quickly deteriorate.
Roots stored in a cool place at a temperature of +2…+8°C.
Root celery apply in cooking, folk medicine, included in the composition weight loss diets.
In cooking
The product is combined with fruits, vegetables, meat and cereals. The grated root is marinated in soy sauce, seasoned with sour cream, vegetable oil and yogurt. For the winter, the root crop is dried and frozen.
Celery makes delicious vitamin jam without a pungent odor. To prepare an unusual delicacy you will need the following products::
celery root - 1 kg;
- lemon - 2 pcs.;
- granulated sugar - 1 kg;
- water - 1.5 l;
- rock salt - 5 g.
Step-by-step preparation:
- Wash the root vegetable and remove the skin. Cut into thin slices.
- Boil the lemons until the peel is soft and grind in a blender until pureed.
- Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Place on low heat and bring to a boil.
- Add celery and lemon puree to syrup.
- Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. The jam will be ready when the pieces become transparent and the syrup thickens.
- At the end of cooking, add salt, stir and remove from heat.
- Place the mixture into clean jars and roll up.
In folk medicine
From celery root preparations are prepared for the treatment of diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems, liver, pancreas.
For infusion against allergies and insomnia, the root is grated on a fine grater, poured with water (2 tablespoons of raw material per 200 ml of water) and left for 3-4 hours.
Instead of water, you can use vodka or alcohol. This remedy is used for rubbing sore spots for rheumatism and gout.
For gastritis and stomach ulcers, use a decoction: 20 g of grated root is boiled for 7 minutes in 250 ml of boiling water, then left for 10-12 hours in a thermos. The drug is taken half an hour before meals, 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
To increase potency, drink freshly squeezed juice 1-2 tsp. 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
For weight loss
Celery root is popular in American and European systems for weight loss. The product has a negative calorie content, that is, the body spends more energy on its digestion than it receives.
The root vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, which improves peristalsis, has a diuretic effect, and regulates metabolism.
When losing weight, celery can be consumed raw, baked and stewed.. Freshly squeezed juice is drunk 100 ml 2 times a day. To improve the taste, add apple, pumpkin, carrot, beet, and orange juices. Salads are dressed with low-fat yogurt, lemon juice and olive oil.
Reference. Celery root juice contains ideal proportions of potassium and sodium, which helps effectively remove excess fluid from the body.
Despite the demanding care of root celery, if agrotechnical practices are followed, it is possible to grow and harvest a large harvest. Planting work begins with preparing seeds and growing seedlings. Seedlings are provided with optimal daylight hours, sufficient watering and fertilizing with minerals and organic matter.
After planting in the garden, the plants are watered abundantly, weeds are removed, and fed with chicken droppings and “Superphosphate”. To form rounded root crops, the lateral roots are cut off.