How to grow and use petiole celery with maximum benefit for the body

Petiole celery has a unique set of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, replaces salt in food, removes radionuclides and has a negative calorie content. The body spends 25 kcal to process 100 g of product, while the calorie content of fresh petioles is only 13 kcal.

The crop is demanding in terms of agricultural technology, but if you follow a number of rules, you will definitely be able to grow and harvest a solid harvest at the end of the season.

The article will tell you about growing the stem variety of celery and its application in cooking, folk medicine and dietetics.

What does petiole celery look like and how does it grow?

Petiole celery is a biennial plant from the Celery (Apiaceae) family with fleshy stems of red, green, pink, and white colors. In cooking, white petioles are used with a sweetish taste without bitterness. Celery with red stems is frost-resistant down to –5°C. The harvest is harvested until late autumn.

In the first year, thick petioles up to 1 m high and green fragrant leaves are formed. In the second year, the plant produces arrows with flowers and seeds.

The growth period of petiole celery is 80-180 days, depending on the varietal characteristics.

The photo shows stalked celery.

How to grow and use petiole celery with maximum benefit for the body

Features of culture

Rules for cultivating petiole celery:

  • creating the required level of soil acidity;
  • landing on the south side of the garden;
  • frequent watering of the beds and control of soil moisture - waterlogging is as undesirable as water deficiency;
  • thinning of plantings;
  • bleaching the petioles to obtain a delicate taste without bitterness;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers containing potassium and nitrogen.

What is good about petiole celery?

The petioles contain easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements, and aromatic substances. Regular eating celery has a beneficial effect on metabolism and the central nervous system. The stems are eaten fresh, stewed, boiled, prepared in salads, side dishes for meat, and soups.

Composition and nutritional value

How to grow and use petiole celery with maximum benefit for the body

The table shows the vitamin and mineral composition of leaf celery per 100 g of product.

Name Content Norm
Vitamin A 750 mcg 900 mcg
Beta carotene 4.5 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B1 0.02 mg 1.5 mg
Vitamin B2 0.1 mg 1.8 mg
Vitamin B4 6.1 mg 500 mg
Vitamin B5 0.246 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B6 0.08 mg 2 mg
Vitamin B9 21 mcg 400 mcg
Vitamin C 38 mg 90 mg
Vitamin E 0.5 mg 15 mg
Vitamin H 0.65 mcg 50 mcg
Vitamin K 29.3 mcg 120 mcg
Vitamin PP 0.5 mg 20 mg
Potassium 430 mg 2500 mg
Calcium 72 mg 1000 mg
Silicon 2.9 mg 30 mg
Magnesium 50 mg 400 mg
Sodium 200 mg 1300 mg
Sulfur 6.9 mg 1000 mg
Phosphorus 77 mg 800 mg
Chlorine 26.8 mg 2300 mg
Iron 1.3 mg 18 mg
Iodine 7.5 mcg 150 mcg
Cobalt 0.86 mcg 10 mcg
Manganese 0.103 mg 2 mg
Copper 35 mcg 1000 mcg
Molybdenum 5.4 mcg 70 mcg
Selenium 0.4 mcg 55 mcg
Fluorine 4 mcg 4000 mcg
Chromium 2.1 mcg 50 mcg
Zinc 0.13 mg 12 mg

The nutritional value:

  • calorie content - 12 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.1 g.

Benefits and harms

Useful properties of petiole celery:

  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • regulation of water-salt metabolism;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • improved mood;
  • eliminating the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • removing excess fluid from tissues;
  • improvement of sexual function in men and sperm motility;
  • relief of unpleasant symptoms of menopause in women;
  • reduction of pain during menstruation;
  • improving the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • elimination of allergies in children and normalization of digestion;
  • cleansing blood vessels;
  • removal of toxins.

Harmful properties:

The product is contraindicated for varicose veins, epilepsy, and large kidney stones.

Agricultural technology of culture

Agricultural technology for petiole celery involves preparing seed material, growing seedlings with subsequent picking, transferring them to open ground, abundant watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing and bleaching petioles.

Preparing seeds and soil

Result growing crops depends on the seed material. High-quality seeds allow you to grow thick petioles with a pleasant taste and aroma.

When choosing planting material, pay attention to:

  • shelf life of seeds - it is advisable not to use material older than 2 years;
  • country of origin - Dutch selection seeds with high yields are considered the best;
  • ripening period - it is recommended to give preference to early varieties with a ripening period of 90-100 days.

Planting material is subjected to stratification. The seeds are soaked in water at room temperature for 24 hours, then placed in a damp cloth and left on a saucer of water for 7 days. Afterwards, the seeds, wrapped in cloth, are placed in the refrigerator for 14-16 days. This procedure increases the germination percentage.

To grow seedlings, use a ready-made substrate or prepare the mixture yourself.

Mix in a bucket:

  • soil from the garden, river sand, peat, sawdust (1:1:1:1);
  • vermiculite, peat, humus (1:3:1);
  • humus, wood ash, peat (1:1:3);
  • sand and vermicompost (1:1).

To disinfect the soil mixture, use a hot solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Washed containers (boxes, plastic trays) are filled with a damp substrate, seeds are laid out at intervals of 1-1.5 cm to a depth of 5 mm. Sprinkle peat on top, water with clean water and stretch polyethylene.

Snails are used to produce healthy seedlings. Cut a 10 cm wide tape from thick cellophane or a laminate backing, add 1 cm of soil, and use tweezers to lay out the sprouted seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other and 2 cm from the edge of the film. The ribbons are then twisted and secured with rubber bands. The snails are placed in wide trays with the seeds facing up and covered with cellophane.

The seedlings are kept in partial shade at an air temperature of +20...+22°C. The film is removed after the first leaves appear, then transferred to a sunny windowsill.

After the appearance of cotyledon leaves, the temperature is reduced to +12...+16°C, and after 10 days it is increased to +20...+25°C. Seedlings with 3-5 leaves are planted in individual 300 ml containers. The central root is pinched to stimulate green growth.

The glasses are filled with soil mixture, holes of 2 cm are formed, and watered. Seedlings are carefully dug up with a spoon and transplanted into holes. Sprinkle soil on top and water with warm water.

Reference. The length of daylight for petiole celery is 14 hours, comfortable air temperature is +18...+22°C.

The seedlings are watered through a sieve 1-2 times a week.Fitosporin-M is added to water to prevent fungal infections. The soil is carefully loosened with a peg, without touching the delicate root system.

Fertilizing seedlings:

  • chicken manure (1 tsp/3 l of water) - 7 days after picking;
  • nitrophoska (1 tsp/3 l of water) - every 10 days.

3 weeks before transferring to open ground, seedlings are hardened off on the balcony. The time is increased gradually, starting from 30 minutes. 2-3 days before planting, celery is left in the fresh air overnight.

Planting in open ground and care

How to grow and use petiole celery with maximum benefit for the body

Petiole celery seedlings are transferred after the stems reach 20 cm in height. The optimal time for planting is the last days of April or the beginning of May. Specific dates depend on weather conditions in the region.

The best soil for growing stem celery - light sandy loam, fertilized with organic compounds. The crop is planted after cabbage, potatoes, zucchini, and cucumbers.

The acidity of the earth is neutral (pH = 6.8–7) or slightly acidic (pH = 5.6–6.0). On soils with high acidity, celery grows slowly. To normalize the pH, add dolomite flour, chalk, lime, and ash.

In autumn, the area is plowed and fed with compost, humus, and fermented food waste. In the spring, they re-dig and loosen, water with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Holes of 25-30 cm are dug in the area with an interval of 40 cm, keeping a distance between rows of 60 cm. Wood ash is added to the holes.

The seedlings are removed from the containers and, together with a lump of earth, planted in the holes. The beds are covered with sawdust or straw to prevent moisture evaporation and inhibit the growth of weeds.

Rules of care:

  • the beds are watered 2-3 times a week;
  • the soil is loosened after each watering for better aeration of the roots;
  • weeding is carried out as necessary;
  • side stems are cut off as they grow - thick and strong ones are left, yellow and flaccid ones are removed;
  • plants are fed once a week by alternating potassium and nitrogen fertilizers: nitrophoska (25 g/10 l), urea solution (10 g/2 l of water), nettle infusion, vermicompost.

Disease and pest control

The table contains common diseases of petiole celery and ways to combat them.

Name Signs Treatment Prevention
Rust Orange raised spots with spores on petioles and leaves "Fitosporin"
  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • soil disinfection with copper sulfate or potassium permanganate before sowing;
  • destruction of aphids;
  • weed removal;
  • treatment of the area with Fitosporin.






Septoria Yellow spots on greens, brown spots on petioles "Fundazol"
Cercospora Cream spots measuring 5 mm with brown outlines "Topsin-M"
Downy mildew Whitish coating on leaves and petioles Infusion of field thistle (500 g/10 l of water)
Cucumber mosaic Spots in the form of green rings, stunted stem growth The disease cannot be treated; infected plants are removed along with the roots and burned

Petiole celery is affected by carrot fly and bean aphid.

To kill insects:

  • celery is planted next to onions;
  • sprinkle the plantings with a mixture of mustard powder, river sand, tobacco shag (1:1:1);
  • water the plants with dandelion infusion (500 g of inflorescences/10 l of water);
  • treat the above-ground part with infusion of orange or lemon zest (500 g/5 l of water).

Harvest and storage

Two weeks before harvesting, the petioles are wrapped in cardboard or thick paper for the purpose of bleaching. Self-bleaching varieties do not need such a procedure; they are cut in September before the first frost arrives.

It is not advisable to keep the plant in the beds longer than the prescribed period - 11-16 weeks. Otherwise, the petioles become coarse, fibrous and bitter.

Petiole celery is dug out of the ground and only the roots are cut off. To increase shelf life and growing, the roots are left and then dropped into damp sand in a cold room.

Product storage methods:

  • in the cellar or basement the stems lie without loss of quality for up to 60 days;
  • in the refrigerator - 2-3 weeks;
  • in the freezer - about a year, but the stems lose their taste and dense structure;
  • When dried, celery retains vitamins and minerals and is used to flavor first and second courses.

How to use

Petiole celery is actively used in cooking for preparing a variety of dishes. Stems are included in the menu for losing weight. In folk medicine, the root and leaves are most often used.

In cooking

How to grow and use petiole celery with maximum benefit for the body

Juicy bleached petioles have a delicate taste, are not bitter, and go well with fruits, fresh vegetables, poultry and fish. We suggest taking note of this vitamin salad with a spicy soy sauce-based dressing.


  • petioles - 2 pcs.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 150 g;
  • green apple - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized orange—1 pc.;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wine or apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt, black or white ground pepper - to taste.

To prepare the salad, cabbage is shredded into thin strips, carrots are grated, celery is cut into rings, orange and apple are cut into small pieces. Finely chop the green onions and combine all the ingredients in a large bowl.

Mix soy sauce, oil, vinegar, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl.The salad is dressed and left to brew for 15 minutes.

In folk medicine

Petiole celery has medicinal properties:

  • relieves inflammation in diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • improves digestive function;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • eliminates signs of allergies.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas, loss of appetite and flatulence, use an infusion of dried petioles and roots. For 1 liter of water take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and leave for 7-8 hours. Then filter and take 1 tbsp. l. per day after meals.

A tincture of dried stems is effective in the treatment of rheumatism and gout. To prepare it you will need 500 ml of vodka and 100 g of dried celery. The product is infused in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, then used to rub sore joints.

Make compresses from the water infusion at night until the condition improves. Pour 300 g of dried stems into 1 liter of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, leave for 2-3 hours.

For inflammation of the duodenum, take 2 tbsp of freshly squeezed juice. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Celery decoction is taken for urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Fresh petioles are poured with boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes. Then leave to brew for 1-2 hours. The decoction is taken 1 tbsp. per day after meals.

Ointment from the stems treats purulent wounds and skin diseases. The petioles are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with melted butter in equal parts.

How to grow and use petiole celery with maximum benefit for the body

For weight loss

Petiole celery has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, which makes it indispensable for weight loss. Freshly squeezed juice is used for:

  • weight control;
  • general cleansing of the body;
  • combating flatulence and constipation.

Stem tea is an effective addition to a cleansing diet.It is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, warm, in courses of 2 weeks and a break of 30 days.

Preparation of the drink:

  1. Wash 3-4 stems, chop finely.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water.
  3. Place celery in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Leave covered for 20 minutes.

To enhance the effect, add ginger, lemon and honey to the tea.

All vitamins and minerals are preserved in fresh stalk celery. The petioles are passed through a juicer and 100 g of juice is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. To diversify the taste, apple, orange, lemon, and carrot juices are added to the drink.


Planting petiole celery as seedlings is the best way to get a rich harvest. This is due to the long growing season of the crop, which depends on the variety and ranges from 80-180 days. Care after planting on the beds: frequent watering, application of organic and mineral fertilizers, weeding, loosening, bleaching petioles.

The stems are used to prepare salads, side dishes, and soups. The plant is useful for women, men and children. Decoctions, infusions and ointments are prepared from the petioles for the treatment of the genitourinary and digestive systems, rheumatism, gout and skin diseases. The product is indispensable in dietary nutrition, has a negative calorie content and removes excess fluid from the body.

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