Description of the most delicious grape varieties

There are hundreds of grape varieties, but not all can boast of tasty and juicy pulp. Classic grapes should be pleasant and tart, with a delicate aroma and aftertaste. To choose the right grapes, it is recommended to study the descriptions of the most popular varieties. Let's do this and rank the grapes according to taste.

The most delicious grape varieties

Grapes are grown in the south, north, and central zone of Russia. Gardeners prefer sweet and juicy varieties - such berries are universal in use, they are eaten fresh or used for preparing seasonal dishes and winter preparations.

In order for the grapes to produce a good harvest, it is important to choose the appropriate variety and study the description and characteristics of the most delicious ones.


Description of the most delicious grape varieties

Large grapes are most often eaten fresh or juices, compotes, and wines are made from them. The pulp of the berries is dense and juicy, with a high content of sugars. Most often, large varieties are suitable for cultivation in the southern regions of the country.


The early-ripening table variety is characterized by strong immunity and frost resistance. Ripens in an average of 100 days, gardeners harvest by the end of July. The bushes are vigorous and spreading, with powerful and strong vines. The weight of the bunch is 300 g, some specimens reach 500 g. The weight of the berry is about 5 g, the shape is oval with a pointed tip.

The color is greenish with an amber-yellow tint, the skin is dense. The taste is sweet and sugary, with a bright nutmeg aroma. Productivity – 13-15 kg per plant per season.After ripening, the bunches do not fall off.


The ripening period of this mid-early variety is about 120 days, the fruits ripen in August. The weight of the berry is 5-7 g, the shape is round-oval, the peel is of medium density. The color is greenish-yellow, sometimes white tints are visible.

If you look at grapes in the sun, the skin appears to be shining through. The pulp is pleasant, the taste is sweet. Each berry has large seeds. After ripening, the berries remain on the bush for 10-14 days, so it is important to harvest during this period. Augustine grapes are used for transportation and grown for sale. Bushes rarely suffer from powdery mildew and scab.


Description of the most delicious grape varieties

Winter-hardy grapes are chosen by gardeners from regions with unstable climatic conditions. For example, from the Perm and Chelyabinsk regions, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk. These lands have short summers, frequent frosts, and a long absence of sunlight and heat. Winter-hardy grapes can withstand sudden drops in temperature and rarely get sick.


The technical variety ripens by mid-August. Withstands frequent rains and fogs, temperatures down to -30°C. The bushes are medium-sized, the leaves are dark green, strongly cut. The weight of the bunch is from 200 to 400 g, the weight of the berry is from 1.5 to 2.5 g. The shape is oval, the color is white-yellow with a bloom. The skin is durable, the flesh is sweet with a rich berry-fruit aroma. Crystal grapes are used to make dry table wines. The bushes are resistant to mildew and are not affected by gray rot.


The Lydia variety came to Russia from America. The grape also has a second name - Isabella rosea. The bushes are frost-resistant and unpretentious in care; after ripening, the berries do not fall off or crack. The clusters are compact, the weight of one is about 120 g. The berries are small - 2-3 g.The color of the grapes is pink-violet, the skin is matte. The taste is very sweet and delicate, there are few seeds. The advantages of the variety include transportability, keeping quality, and attractive commercial qualities.


Description of the most delicious grape varieties

Early ripening varieties require 3-4 months. During this time, the foliage blooms, the berries gain color and sweetness. Harvest in mid-July. The taste and appearance of the berries are not inferior to mid-season or late varieties. In winter, early grapes are covered with burlap to protect them from frost and winds.


The ripening period of this table variety is 110-115 days. The Sofia variety can withstand temperatures down to -21°C. The clusters are large and weighty - 500-700 g each. Berry weight - up to 5 g, round shape. The peel is dense, the color is pink-red with a yellowish tint. The pulp is fleshy and tender, distinguished by its juiciness and rich nutmeg aroma. Sofia grapes are also planted for decorative purposes - the beautiful vines look harmonious on arches and arbors.


Ultra early variety gives the first harvest after 95-100 days. The bushes are vigorous, with dense dark green leaves. The weight of the bunch is from 600 to 1500 g, depending on the growing region and the amount of fertilizer applied. The weight of the berry is up to 8 g, the pulp is dense, the color of the peel is dark purple with a white coating. The pulp is sweet, the aroma is moderate. The harvest is used to make preserves and jams, summer salads and snacks. Kodryanka grapes are planted in the south and central Russia; the bushes can withstand temperatures down to -22°C.

Interesting! For the winter, bushes of early varieties are covered with burlap or boards: the shoots are tied, pressed to the ground and sprinkled with soil. In spring, the shelter is removed. The bushes acquire their usual shape on their own in 1-2 days.


Description of the most delicious grape varieties

Mid-season grapes ripen by the end of August.It is recommended to choose varieties that are resistant to aphids and spider mites - during ripening the bushes are often attacked by insect pests. To keep the crop safe and sound, gardeners pay attention to preventive measures - spraying with antiviral and antifungal agents.


The bushes are vigorous and require spacious garden areas for planting. Ripening time is 125-135 days. The clusters are cylindrical in shape, elongated towards the tip, average weight is 800 g. The berries are elongated, weighing up to 9 g. The color is light green, the peel is dense, so the harvest is shelf-stable and suitable for long-term storage and transportation. The pulp with a high sugar content is pleasant to the taste. The bushes rarely get sick, and the lack of watering is tolerated without consequences.


A medium variety with large berries - the weight of one reaches 14 g. The shape is elongated with a pointed tip. The color is dark blue or black-violet - depends on the degree of ripening. The peel is thick, with a white coating. The taste is delicate and sweet, the flesh is fleshy and elastic. The variety is resistant to scab and powdery mildew, and is rarely attacked by insect pests. The yield is stable; up to 10 kg of berries are harvested from one bush annually. The harvested grapes are stored in a refrigerator or a cool and clean basement.


Description of the most delicious grape varieties

Late grapes ripen in the fall, when most garden fruit and berry crops have bloomed. For late varieties, southern growing regions are chosen, where there are long and warm summers, moderate humidity, and rare frosts. The harvest is used for harvesting for the winter - when heat treated, the berries do not lose their beneficial properties.


One of the most popular and delicious grape varieties in the world. Frost-resistant, rarely suffers from phylloxera and gray mold.The clusters are of medium size, weighing about 150 g. The berries are elastic, reddish-violet in color with a white coating. The taste is sweet and pleasant, Isabella is easy to distinguish from other varieties. The harvest ripens in mid-October. The berries do not crack, but you should not delay picking.

Muscat White

The weight of a cylindrical bunch is from 100 to 500 g. The berries are white-wheat in color with a slight waxy coating, sit tightly to each other, and do not crumble after ripening. The skin is strong, the flesh is tender with a bright aroma. Muscat White is used to produce wines and champagne. The fruits are valued for their marketable appearance and sweet taste.

Interesting! The bunches are cut with garden pruners along with a piece of the vine. To avoid erasing the waxy coating, do this with gloves. Dry and diseased berries are removed and the bunch is placed in a dry room with air humidity of no more than 80%. The optimal temperature for storage is from 0°C to +5°C.

10 best grape varieties to taste

Gardeners across the country are compiling personal rankings of the most delicious grape varieties. Next, we’ll look at the top 10 and find out their advantages and features.

Description of the most delicious grape varieties


Appetizing light green berries with a white tint are grown in central Russia. The average weight of a bunch is 800 g, but some specimens grow up to 2 kg. The berries are oval in shape, the flesh is dense, there are several small seeds. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing, long shelf life. If all agrotechnical cultivation rules are observed, one bush produces up to 12 kg of harvest.


The mid-season variety pleases gardeners with elastic and crisp berries – hence the name of the grape. The plant is vigorous, semi-spreading. The weight of the berry is up to 3 g, the weight of the bunch is about 500 g, the color is pinkish-white. The aroma is bright, fruity and berry, the pulp is sweet.Productivity – 10 kg per bush. Crispy is resistant to fungal diseases and is unpretentious in cultivation.


The variety is frost-resistant, therefore suitable for growing in harsh conditions. The bushes are medium in size, the clusters are small, the weight of one is 300-400 g. The taste is sugary and velvety, the pulp is juicy, there are no seeds. The weight of the berry is about 4 g, the skin is thick, with a waxy coating. The shape is round, oblong. Zolotse grapes can withstand frosts down to -25°C and are resistant to fungal diseases. After ripening, it does not crack and is easily removed from the vine.


Seedless table fruitful variety (kishmish) for fresh consumption and making drinks. The weight of the bunch is 400-600 g, the berries grow close to each other. The weight of one is about 4 g, the color is bright blue, attractive. The taste is sweet, without bitterness. The ripening period varies from 100 to 125 days. Jupiter is grown throughout Russia. Productivity is about 5 kg per plant per season. The dense peel protects the berries from insects and rodents.

Muscat Pink

The variety is widespread in Russia and the CIS countries. Mid-season, the first harvest is produced by the middle or end of August, depending on the growing region. The color is pink-red with a thin waxy coating. The weight of the berry is 2.5-5 g, the weight of the bunch is up to 500 g. The skin is thin but elastic. The pulp is tender and juicy, aromatic. The amount of sugar in fruits depends on weather conditions. The more sun and warmth, the sweeter the harvest.

Nadezhda Azos

Table vigorous variety. The clusters are large, weighing from 400 to 900 g. The pulp is juicy and fleshy, the taste is sweet. The shape of the bunch is conical, the berries are round and pointed. The color is dark blue, the peel is dense, covered with a waxy coating. The weight of one is about 8 g. The ripening period is 120-135 days, depending on the growing region.It is recommended to plant bushes in the southern regions with loose and nutritious soils. The Nadezhda Azos variety is resistant to mildew and downy mildew.


Wine variety, the taste of the berries is sweet and tart. Aligote is originally from France. The clusters are compact, cylindrical in shape, weighing from 100 to 150 g. The weight of the berry is about 1.5 g, the shape is elongated. The color is yellow-greenish and glitters and shimmers beautifully in the sun. The pulp is tender, contains 1-2 small seeds. The ripening period of Aligote varies from 125 to 140 days. Average yields are 4-6 kg per plant. Aligote is grown mainly in the Krasnodar region.

Odessa souvenir

The weight of the berry is about 5 g, the shape is oval-pointed, the color is deep blue. The shape of the bunch is conical, weight - up to 400 g. The berries are sweet, with moderate sourness and a pleasant aftertaste. Grapes are used to prepare drinks and consumed fresh. Resistance to diseases is average; it is recommended to carry out preventive measures regularly. Odessa souvenir is grown in the south and central Russia.

Pink pearl

The universal variety is grown in the middle zone, in the Urals and the Far East. The weight of the conical bunch is about 500 g, the weight of the berry is 5 g. The color is beautiful pinkish-red, the shape of the berries is spherical. Pink pearls mature in an average of 120 days and are easy to care for. The skin is thin, the berries are eaten or processed immediately after harvest. The taste is delicate, with a pleasant aftertaste. Productivity is up to 8 kg per bush per season.


Table medium height grape for cultivation in temperate climates. The clusters are large, the weight of one reaches 1000 g. The berries are oval, elongated, the average weight is 8 g. The color is light green with a yellowish tint, there is a waxy coating.Laura is suitable for long-term storage, does not rot or crack. The harvest is harvested 120 days after the ovaries appear. Productivity is about 3 kg per plant. The taste is nutmeg, delicate.


When asked which grapes are the most delicious, gardeners boldly name the popular varieties Isabella and Aligote with sweet and juicy fruits, rich sugary Pink Pearls and Zolotse. Velika, Kodryanka, Sofia and Odessa souvenir berries are also in demand. Wine drinks, juices, preserves, and jams are prepared from grapes. If the berries have a thick skin, they are stored in the basement or refrigerator, after being cut with pruning shears and wearing gardening gloves.

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