How much and how often to water figs in summer: instructions for beginners
The fig is a tropical fig tree. It is grown in Russian gardens and orchards in open ground, planted on warm and fertile lands. Fig fruits are valued for their beneficial qualities and vitamin composition, and are also used in cooking - preparing aromatic homemade jam or fig pies. One of the necessary conditions for growing an exotic tree is proper summer watering. How often to water figs in the summer and how to do it correctly will be discussed in the article.
Do I need to water figs in summer?
Figs watered throughout the summer. The plant loves water, but does not tolerate waterlogging. When watering, it is important that the water penetrates deep to the roots, and does not remain on the surface of the soil and does not create a dense crust under the influence of the sun.
Gardeners pay attention to weather conditions: the hotter the summer, the more often and more abundantly the figs are watered. The variety, age of the plant, ripening period and growing features.
Regular and proper watering guarantees proper development of the crop and rich yields. Drought causes the shoots to dry out and lose their ability to bear fruit, the plant becomes sick and dies.
In addition to watering, it is recommended to pay attention to sprinkling in the summer - with its help, an optimal level of humidity is maintained for the proper development of the tree.
How often to water
The frequency and abundance of watering depend on many factors. Young trees are watered weekly, spending from 5 to 10 liters of water per plant.
More adults - less often: Approximately 8-10 liters of water are added once every 2 weeks.
If there are signs of drying out (withered shoots, gray-green leaves, deformed fruits), the amount of water is increased to 15 liters per tree once a week. If the summer is rainy, reduce it.
Water requirements for irrigation
Suitable water for irrigation is soft, without chlorine and lime, previously standing in the sun. Its temperature should be at least +20°C. Experienced gardeners recommend using melt or rain water.
Simple drain structures are installed on the site, through which moisture enters empty plastic or iron barrels. Rain and melt water is enriched with natural oxygen, making figs less likely to get sick.
If the summer is dry and there is no rainwater, use tap water. The disadvantage is that it contains chlorine and lime and is hard. To soften the water, gardeners add 2 drops of lemon juice to 10 liters. Apple cider vinegar is also used to soften - 10 drops dissolved in 1 liter of water.
Attention! Do not water figs with water from open bodies of water - swamps, rivers or lakes. It may contain dangerous fungi and pathogens that cause tree diseases. Due to such watering, figs will develop coral spot, anthracnose or gray rot.
What can I add?
To ensure that watering brings double benefits, once a month gardeners use not plain water, but an infusion of herbs: chamomile, calendula, nettle, burdock, tansy, sage.
The procedure increases the number of ovaries on the tree and prevents the appearance of insect pests: whiteflies, greenhouse thrips, earwigs, nematodes, spider mites. Moisten the figs early in the morning, before sunrise.
To increase yield, figs are watered with banana peel infusion. It is filled with water and left for 3-4 days, after which it is applied under the tree into specially prepared holes 8 cm deep. Such watering is aimed not only at moistening, but also at feeding the tree and replacing organic fertilizers.
How to properly water figs in summer
Among all types of irrigation for figs, conventional (root) irrigation, sprinkling and applying liquid fertilizers are most suitable.
It is recommended to alternate them with each other so that the plant’s moisture is balanced..
Regular watering is used in the morning before the heat sets in or in the evening after sunset, when the temperature drops and the sun's rays do not cause burns.
Water is introduced into special holes near the tree or under the trunk. The first method is preferable, because moisture is distributed more evenly and does not accumulate in one place. After the procedure, the soil is loosened to saturate it with oxygen. Next, the figs are mulched - hay, sawdust, small crushed stone or dry leaves are poured under the tree. Mulch retains moisture.
Sprinkling is a method of watering using a special machine. The procedure has a positive effect on the water-air regime of the soil, due to which water does not stagnate on the surface and is gradually absorbed. Droplets of different sizes and with different intensities are distributed over the fig tree. The disadvantage of sprinkling is that it is only suitable for large plantations, and the maintenance of machines is several times more expensive than conventional irrigation.
Attention! For small garden plots, summer residents use a spray bottle with water to distribute moisture over the plants in the morning or evening. The main thing is not to do this when the sun is shining - leaf burns are guaranteed.
Liquid fertilizer can be organic or mineral. Gardeners use manure, superphosphate, potassium salt, urea, and wood ash. The frequency of applying liquid fertilizers is once every 2-3 weeks. Organics and minerals alternate. The fertilizer is diluted in a container and poured under the root or into the holes.
To ensure that nutrients are absorbed faster, figs are mulched. The thickness of the mulch layer should be 3-4 cm.
What mistakes to avoid
Mistakes when watering are made not only by novice gardeners, but also by experienced summer residents. Because of this, the figs slow down in growth, become covered with burns or even die.
A few common mistakes:
- The tree is watered often, but not enough. This method leads to the fact that water is available only to part of the plant; it does not penetrate deeper to the roots. The surface layers of the soil dry out quickly and become unsuitable for growing capricious exotic trees. Watering must be balanced. General recommendation: pour 10 liters per plant once every 2 weeks.
- The tree is watered from a hose with a strong stream of water. Even if this does not lead to serious diseases or a decrease in yield, the decorative qualities of the plant will deteriorate. It is better to buy a watering can and carefully water the figs, avoiding damage to the roots and ripening fruits.
- Water so that a significant part of the water ends up on the leaves. It shouldn’t be this way - water is intended to nourish the roots, not the leaves. The stream is directed directly to the root. You can wet the leaves while sprinkling.
Watering figs when planting
Figs are planted in dachas in nutritious and loose soils with neutral acidity. Pre-planting pit is fertilized and a drainage layer is laid so that moisture does not stagnate.
The first time figs are moistened immediately after planting is to pour a bucket of water under the seedling and mulch it. The next time the plant is watered only after 2-3 weeks.
During flowering and fruiting
During the flowering period, figs are watered based on their age. A tree up to 2 years old needs up to 10 liters of water, and plants between 2 and 10 years old need up to 15 liters of water. After 10 years, the figs are watered depending on whether they bear fruit or not. If the plant is healthy and productive, 10-15 liters are spent on it.
The procedures are stopped 10 days before fruiting and during harvest. Afterwards, water once and prepare for winter - cut and cover. The next procedure occurs only in the spring.
Advice from experienced gardeners
Watering of figs begins at the end of May. Previously, this is not done, because there are still reserves of rain and melt water in the soil.
In addition to this rule, experienced gardeners share other useful recommendations:
- After each watering, the soil is loosened. The procedure serves to prevent diseases and insect pests, increases the moisture capacity of the soil and prevents the development of weeds.
- Summer residents use sprinkling only if the weather is hot. If the climate is damp and humid, the procedure is not used.
- Water the figs with melt, rain or tap water. Suitable temperature is about +20°C.
- During fruiting and 10 days before it, the plant is not watered.
This is interesting:
Watering figs in open ground is carried out on average once every 1.5-2 weeks. Up to 10 liters of water are spent on a young tree, and about 15 liters on an adult tree.The water is first settled and heated in the sun if it is cold.
Once a month, instead of watering, use liquid fertilizer - apply an infusion of herbs or banana peels under the tree. If the summer is dry and hot, sprinkling is carried out - drops of water are sprayed over the plant. After the procedure, the ground is loosened and mulched. Proper tree care guarantees a rich harvest.