
Cold-resistant variety of onion Setton for long-term storage

Why is the Setton onion popular among many gardeners in the northern latitudes of Russia? From the article you will learn details about the Setton onion variety: its appearance, taste, features of planting and cultivation, as well as...

How to properly store onions: at what temperature and under what conditions

Everyone knows how healthy onions are and how many vitamins they contain. Summer is coming to an end, summer residents are harvesting and thinking about how to preserve this vegetable until next year. ...

Unpretentious carrot variety Vitamin 6

Carrots of the Vitamin 6 variety, bred 50 years ago, are in stable demand among farmers. It is distinguished by its ease of care, high yields, and good keeping quality. Gardeners value it for its taste, sweetness...

Mid-early onion hybrid Helenas with high yield

Helenas are one of the most popular types of onions. The choice of gardeners is due to its characteristics - high yield, unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases typical of the crop. Description of the Helenas hybrid - heterotic...

What is good about root celery, how to grow and use it correctly

Root celery is a biennial plant from the Celery or Umbrella family. He comes from Mediterranean countries. Residents of Ancient Greece and Egypt used it in folk medicine. The first mention of celery as...

Cooking cereals easily and simply without cooking: how to steam buckwheat overnight and how it is useful

Buckwheat contains complex carbohydrates, which provide long-term saturation in one small portion. It also contains B vitamins, nicotinic acid, amino acids, it is rich in iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, calcium...

Losing weight correctly and safely: how much can you lose on buckwheat?

The buckwheat diet is one of the most popular mono-diets for weight loss and cleansing the body. It was developed in the middle of the last century by nutritionist Alevtina Moleeva. The point is that within 14 days...

What are onion pests and methods for dealing with them?

Onions are present in the diet of almost every Russian. Even the smallest summer cottage must have a place for an onion bed. However, this is the simplest crop in terms of agricultural technology. When growing onions, gardeners often...

Why parsley was banned in Russia: are there any narcotic substances in the plant?

Parsley is one of the most popular spices. Despite its widespread use in cooking, recently curly parsley, or rather its seeds, has been classified as a plant containing narcotic substances. Is it true ...

The best salad recipes Orange miracle carrots for the winter

“Orange Miracle” is the name of a delicious and colorful carrot salad. A popular recipe is used to prepare vegetable preparations for the winter - carrots are pickled in jars, adding tomatoes, bell peppers, pumpkin, ...

