
Sweet mid-season carrot variety Nantes 4

Nantes 4 carrots are popular among farmers due to their ease of care, excellent taste, and high carotene content. The variety is in demand in all regions of the country. If you follow the correct agricultural cultivation techniques, you get a rich...

The benefits and harms of cucumbers for human health

Biologists consider cucumbers to be a false berry. The fruits, like their cousins ​​watermelons, are 95% water, but are not sweet and cannot be called fruits. These are the only fruits of the pumpkin family that...

What vitamins and minerals are contained in buckwheat?

Although buckwheat is considered an original Russian product, in many modern families it is not a frequent guest on the table. However, before making a decision whether to eat buckwheat porridge or not, you should take a closer look...

Detailed instructions: how to make a potato storage box on the balcony

Gardeners grow potatoes in large quantities and save the harvest until spring, and people who do not have plots buy a lot of vegetables for the winter. In both cases, there is a need to somehow store the potatoes. Availability ...

In what form and how to properly freeze Brussels sprouts for the winter in the freezer

Brussels sprouts, in addition to their excellent taste, have a huge range of vitamins and microelements and serve as a valuable source of protein and fiber. To use the vegetable for a long time, it is prepared in different ways. Let's figure out how to freeze Brussels sprouts...

The benefits and harms of green sprouted buckwheat

Many have heard about the benefits of sprouted buckwheat, but it is believed that sprouting it at home is difficult, takes a long time, and this food is only for vegetarians. But that's not true. From the article you will learn what...

How to prepare Korean cauliflower for the winter: a classic recipe and its variations

Juicy inflorescences of fresh cauliflower are boiled, baked and fried. Canned vegetable snacks are no less tasty. It is salted and pickled for the winter in assorted vegetables, salads and alone. Lovers...

We create a menu wisely: what does buckwheat go with in a healthy diet?

Buckwheat is an indispensable product in cooking, from which many different dishes are prepared. Nutritionists do not recommend adding sugar to them, since it neutralizes the beneficial properties of the cereal. Let's look at what buckwheat goes with...

Features of pickling cucumbers for the winter in a barrel: cold pickling recipes

Pickling cucumbers in a barrel for the winter is the most environmentally friendly way to preserve them at home. Thanks to this method, they will turn out elastic, crispy, with the maximum content of useful substances. About how to properly pickle...

How to brew parsley as a diuretic

In folk medicine, parsley greens, roots and seeds are used as a means to remove excess fluid from the body. Decoctions with diuretic properties are prepared from the plant. They are used to improve the condition...

