
What is good about root parsley and why it is worth growing it

Root parsley is a spicy plant that has long become a regular guest on our table. The root vegetable contains more vitamin C than lemons and more vitamin A than carrots. The culture is unpretentious...

When to sow parsley and dill before winter and is it possible to do it?

Parsley and dill are widely used in cooking. They are included in salads, appetizers, marinades, first and second courses. Greens can be easily grown in your garden or summer cottage. To get an early...

Carrot harvesting dates in Siberia: when is the best time to harvest

In Russia, carrots are the second most popular vegetable after potatoes. And this is not surprising: bright orange root vegetables are not only healthy, but also tasty. In addition, the vegetable is perfectly stored in winter and replenishes...

Planting patterns and rules for caring for winter onions

Despite the fact that onions can be planted in both spring and autumn, most gardeners prefer the first option, since not all varieties are suitable for winter planting. At the same time, planting before winter has...

How to deliciously prepare sauerkraut with bell peppers for the winter

Sauerkraut is fermented in different ways. Grandma's classic recipe remains popular, but housewives are experimenting and adding new ingredients. Sweet bell pepper fits perfectly into winter preparations with cabbage. Thanks to him, the salad turns out...

A simple but very effective buckwheat diet for weight loss for 14 days

The beneficial properties of buckwheat for weight loss have been known for a long time.Thanks to its balanced composition, including vitamins, micro- and macroelements, beneficial acids, fiber, it cleanses and heals the body. This explains the effect of losing weight on...

Rules for processing onions before planting

Onions are grown in three ways - by sowing seeds, through seedlings and onion sets. Pre-sowing treatment of planting material creates optimal conditions for the growth and development of the crop. How to properly prepare onions...

One of the most popular ways to lose weight is the buckwheat diet for 7 days.

According to the World Health Organization, the problem of excess weight affects 500 million people around the world, so dietary choices are a pressing issue for people all over the world. To get the desired result...

How to plant carrot seeds on tape and how to make them at home

It is not easy to sow carrot seeds evenly, since the diameter of carrot seeds does not exceed several millimeters. As a result, they are distributed unevenly along the groove - somewhere empty, and somewhere dense. This kind of sowing...

For which plants can potato peelings be used as fertilizer?

Experienced gardeners waste almost nothing, especially a product such as potato peelings. They know that potato peels can be safely used as organic fertilizer because they...

