
The benefits and harms of pickled cucumbers for the body

The benefits and possible harm of pickled cucumbers largely depend on the method of preparation: not every marinade has a positive effect on health. For some people, such a snack is strictly contraindicated, but for others it helps to lose weight. How ...

Why does powdery mildew appear on cucumbers and why is it dangerous: photos and treatment, preventive measures

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects cucumbers both outdoors and indoors. Spores spread quickly in conditions of high humidity and cool air. In this article we will tell...

Covering cucumbers in their own juice quickly and tasty

Homemade preparations provide a variety of cucumbers in their own juice. The aromatic and crispy appetizer complements the first and second courses and is combined with other vegetables, meat and fish. Some cucumbers are preserved with vinegar, others with...

Choosing the best green manure for cucumbers in the fall for greenhouses and open ground

Planting cucumbers in one place depletes the soil and contributes to the accumulation of infectious agents and pests. Crop rotation helps correct the situation. But what if the plot is small or the vegetable is grown in a greenhouse? For help ...

Top 8 original recipes for delicious pickled watermelons with honey in jars for the winter

Pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and beets is a common thing. But have you ever tried to prepare watermelon for the winter? If not yet, we highly recommend it! A piece of summer in autumn or...

How to store pumpkin correctly: different methods and secrets of creating optimal conditions for preserving the vegetable

Pumpkin is a dietary product rich in vitamins and minerals. Regular inclusion of vegetables in the diet helps maintain slimness, youth and health. Pumpkin contains rare vitamin T, which improves metabolism and promotes ...

How to make pumpkin juice through a juicer for the winter: the best recipes and tips for rolling up preparations

Everyone knows about the benefits of pumpkin juice. But not everyone knows that most of the beneficial substances contained in it can be preserved by rolling it into jars. In winter, during the cold and flu season, he...

How to deal with fusarium blight on cucumbers: life-saving advice from gardeners and proven remedies

It’s a shame when a cucumber bush grown with love and care suddenly withers. Gardeners in such a situation immediately ask themselves: what did I do wrong? There are a large number of possible reasons for wilting cucumbers. ...

Instructions for growing pumpkins in open ground in the Urals: nuances and tips for beginning farmers

Pumpkin is an unpretentious and healthy vegetable native to hot Latin America. For its rich content of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, pumpkin is rightly called the queen of autumn. On gloomy autumn days from a bright orange vegetable...

How to make the most delicious zucchini preparations for the winter without sterilization: recipes with photos

Recipes without sterilization are a real find. There is no need to waste time preparing jars; healthy and tasty preparations can be prepared in 30–40 minutes. In addition to everyone’s favorite tomatoes and cucumbers, chefs prepare...

