Planting and growing

A spicy herb from the tropical regions of Asia is not only used as a flavoring and aromatic component of culinary dishes, but is also widely used in medicine. Various types of this plant are effective for the prevention and...

In diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder, diet plays an important role. Including celery in the diet (in moderation) eliminates irritation of the mucous membrane of the inflamed organ and normalizes its condition. However, first...

Almost all parts of grapes are used as raw materials for the preparation of drinks, dishes and cosmetics. The fruits are known for their antioxidant, cardio- and angioprotective properties. There is a separate section of traditional medicine - ampelotherapy, or grape therapy. Chemical...

Raspberries are considered one of the healthiest berries. For a woman, it can become a source of good health and beauty. Read the article about the beneficial properties and contraindications for eating berries. Chemical composition ...

Viburnum is a small shrub from the honeysuckle family with red berries that are attractive not only for their taste. They are actively used in folk medicine. Berries contain many minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. According to ...

During breastfeeding, it is very important for mothers to follow a proper diet, consisting of foods that do not cause colic and allergic reactions in the baby. But at the same time, nutritionists recommend a balanced diet...

Turnip is a valuable vegetable containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Healthy and tasty dishes are prepared from it, health-promoting infusions and healing ointments, masks for skin and hair are made. Root vegetable...

Throughout the year, you can find a healthy fruit on store shelves - pomegranate. It is the fruit of a tree or shrub about 4-5 m in height with long leaves and bright red flowers. Pomegranate is used...

The elixir of youth and beauty is the name given to the fruits of peach trees in China. And it’s not surprising, because these fruits, thanks to their rich composition, help cope with various diseases of the female body. Their juicy pulp...