Planting and growing

Every housewife knows how much time it takes to peel vegetables for cooking. However, progress does not stand still - new inventions are replacing the knife. For quick cleaning of potato tubers...

Parsley is a popular herb often used in cooking. Thanks to its rich composition, it has many valuable properties. Freshly squeezed green juice with other ingredients is effective in treating many diseases. However, to...

Among the numerous varieties of sweet onions, the Crimean (Yalta) one is especially distinguished, which is popular due to its unique composition and beneficial qualities. The lack of pungency and bitterness allows this vegetable to be given even to small children. How ...

The auxiliary workers in an industrial kitchen, who peel potatoes almost around the clock, can easily be replaced by the MOK-300M potato peeling machine. This tuber peeler is suitable for use in food service establishments. What is this ...

Typically, fruit and vegetable juices are used as initial complementary foods for children. One of them is carrot, high in vitamins and minerals. However, before introducing this product into...

Proper care of the apple tree and the creation of optimal conditions will ensure its normal development and good fruiting. At the same time, pruning is one of the important and main points when growing crops. Let's look at how to trim...

Asparagus is one of the most delicious and healthy vegetable crops. The benefits of this plant are due to its unique composition. There are more than 200 types of asparagus, but only...

Red cabbage is very popular among those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. Purple-leaf cabbage is similar to white cabbage in many ways, but there are differences in the composition of these vegetables. Yes, in red...

Red cabbage is a close relative of white cabbage, but in dietary and taste qualities it is superior to it. In Russia, red cabbage is not very common due to the nuances of cultivation and the late ripening of most varieties. However ...