The best recipes with onions and milk for children's cough
Onions with cough milk are a popular folk remedy that has been used to treat dry and acute “barking” coughs for many decades. Using the medicine at the very beginning of the development of the disease helps relieve symptoms, reduce inflammation and avoid complications, including bronchitis and pneumonia.
The folk remedy is also used to treat children. In this case, parents are required to follow certain recommendations so that the child does not develop allergies or other negative consequences.
In the article we will tell you how milk with onions helps children with coughs, describe the scheme for its use and give reviews from pediatricians about this recipe for children.
Beneficial properties of onions and milk
The benefits of the folk medicine are based on the combination of the beneficial properties of animal fat in the dairy product and vitamins and acids in onions.
Properties and components
Onions contain:
- vitamins B, A, C;
- organic acids;
- essential oils.
The main beneficial component of milk in the treatment of cough - light animal fat, as well as B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and copper.
How do they help with cough?
Organic acids and essential oils, which onions are rich in, have a bactericidal effect. Vitamins strengthen the immune system and help heal tissue damaged by a dry cough, in which there is no sputum discharge.
Animal fat in milk coats the mucous membranes, softens pain and inflammation, thins mucus and helps it come out more easily.
Operating principle
Thanks to the combination of the beneficial properties of onions and warm milk, an effective cure for dry cough is obtained. The sputum begins to disappear after about 2-3 days of regular use, the lungs are cleared.
Indications for use
At the very beginning of the development of a cold, as soon as a sore throat and spasm in the lungs appear, it is recommended to begin treatment with a milk drink with onions. The medicine is used as an adjuvant even in the treatment of pneumonia and acute bronchitis.
What kind of cough does onion and milk help with?
First of all, it is recommended to use folk medicine for dry hacking cough, which does not provide relief. After a couple of days of use, the sputum begins to disappear, but even in this case it is better to continue drinking the medicine - it helps the body fight viruses and bacteria, cleanses the lungs and increases the body’s immune strength.
For what diseases does it work?
Usually, doctors recommend using a medicinal drink for patients with the following diseases that lead to an annoying dry cough: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, sore throat without fever, bronchitis in the initial phase of development, colds, pharyngitis.
Reference. Spasms of the respiratory tract caused by these diseases are treated with a folk remedy after consultation with a doctor as part of complex therapy. Onions with milk are recommended for children at the very beginning of the development of diseases and serve as an alternative to chemicals that often cause allergies.
From what age can it be used?
Pediatricians do not recommend using the product for children under three years of age to avoid allergies and unpredictable reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.
But in some cases, when the baby has a negative reaction to pharmaceutical products, you can cautiously give a child over two years old half the standard dose - a maximum of a teaspoon of the drug at one time.
Regardless of what additional ingredients are used in the recipe, the medicine is based on full-fat milk (from 2.5-5%) and a whole peeled medium-sized onion. Store the medicine in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.
Simple and fast in cooking cough syrup:
- Peel a large onion and squeeze the juice out of it - using a juicer or grating and squeezing through cheesecloth.
- Boil 2 tbsp. milk, add onion juice to the hot drink. To stir thoroughly.
- Pour the medicine into a jar, cover with a thick cloth and leave to infuse for an hour.
Children over 12 years old can be given half a glass of medicine before bed, children from six to 12 years old - a quarter glass, children under six years old - a tablespoon.
Milk, garlic and onion
Garlic contains essential oils and is famous for its antiviral properties. To relieve children from dry cough, you can add fresh garlic to onions and milk.
You will need a head of garlic with large teeth, two onions and 500 ml of milk.
- Peel the vegetables (onion and half a head of garlic) and chop finely.
- Pour cold milk over the vegetable mixture.
- Boil the mixture, close the lid, and leave to steep for about an hour.
Next, beat the mixture with a blender, stir and add a spoon honey.
Take a teaspoon of paste every hour. As soon as the sputum begins to disappear, you can reduce the number of doses to six per day.
Onions boiled in milk
A classic and quick recipe - onion boiled in milk.For a glass of milk - one small turnip without husk.
- Cut the onion into 2-4 parts, add milk and cook over low heat for about twenty minutes until soft.
- Chop and strain the product.
Give the child a warm tablespoon every 2-3 hours.
Onion infusion with milk
For two large onions you will need 2 tbsp. full fat whole milk.
- Cut the onion in half.
- Pour in pre-boiled milk.
- Close the saucepan with a lid, wrap it in a towel and leave to steep for 2-3 hours.
After steeping, remove the onion and give the milk to the baby lukewarm.
Milk, onion and sage
Sage has strong anti-inflammatory properties, relieves swelling, fights viruses and fungi - therefore, the medicine is especially effective for sore throat and laryngitis.
You will need:
- Onion - one large one.
- Milk - a glass.
- Dried sage - 5 g or 1 bag.
Boil milk, pour a pinch of herbs into it or put a sachet of medicine. Bring to a boil again, turn off the heat and leave the broth for about twenty minutes. Add the juice of one onion to the slightly cooled medicine and mix.
Reference. The medicine not only relieves for non-productive cough, but also reduces temperature, relieves pain in the throat and lungs, and speeds up the healing process.
Milk with mint and onion
Doctors recommend onion decoction with mint even for acute bronchitis in children. Honey and mint reduce the pungent taste of the medicine and make it pleasant.
You will need:
- onion - 2 pcs.;
- garlic - half a head;
- milk (warm) - 0.5 l;
- mint in bags - 1 pc.;
- honey - a tablespoon.
Peel the garlic and onion, pass through a juicer or press. Then:
- pour the juice with milk and boil for 1-2 minutes;
- add a bag of mint;
- close the pan with a lid and wrap it with a towel.
After 2 hours, you can take out the bag of mint and dissolve a spoonful of honey in the milk.
Fragrant, sweetish milk with onions relieves swelling of the bronchi and reduces redness in the throat. The cough becomes wet and gradually subsides.
How to treat children's cough with onions and milk
If your baby coughs at night and cannot sleep, a teaspoon of warm medicine will soothe a sore throat and itching in the lungs, relieve the unproductive urge to cough and help the child fall asleep. Teenagers and children over 12 years old can be given a tablespoon of the mixture or a quarter glass of infusion.
Application diagram
In the acute phase of the development of the disease, the drug is given to the child every hour, always before daytime and nighttime sleep. As soon as the sputum begins to disappear, the dose is reduced to 5-6 times a day.
How exactly to apply
The mixture is given to children from three to six years old one teaspoon at a time, children over 6 years old - a tablespoon, teenagers - a quarter glass at a time.
How long
The product should be used for at least four days, maximum two weeks. On the recommendation of the therapist, the course can be increased. The doctor may recommend another, larger or smaller dose of the drug depending on the severity of the disease.
How many times a day
At the very beginning of treatment, the drug is given to the child every hour - at least 12 servings per day. After a day or two, the intensity is reduced to six times a day, and after another two days - to four.
Side effects and contraindications
The folk remedy has few contraindications, but they exist. You should not give this medicine to a child if he has the following diseases:
- gastritis in the acute stage, stomach diseases;
- liver diseases;
- problems with the thyroid gland;
- individual negative reaction;
- Milk protein intolerance.
The medicine is given with great caution to children under three years of age.
Important! Effective treatment is possible only after consultation with a pediatrician and in combination with medications recommended by a doctor.
Pediatricians' opinions on the treatment method
Dr. Komarovsky has a positive attitude towards this method of treatment, but recommends it only in combination with therapy indicated by the attending physician.
Basically, pediatricians advise using the remedy for children over three years of age, but only after consulting a doctor - so as not to start the disease and not to weaken some symptoms, for example, acute bronchitis, which cannot be cured only with folk remedies.
Onions with milk, honey, garlic or sage are an excellent remedy for treating dry cough in children of all ages. The medicine rarely causes allergies, has few contraindications and gives a quick effect. Do not forget to consult with your doctor and pass all tests before use.