Description of the Senshui onion variety, planting and care features
Senshui is one of the most popular varieties of winter onions. Brought out in Japan, it quickly attracted the attention of gardeners in many countries because it is easy to care for, has high yields and a pleasant taste. What needs to be taken into account when growing in order to get a decent harvest?
Description of the Senshui variety
The variety is characterized by a round-oval shape of the bulbs, a lack of pungency in the taste and a pronounced aroma. Senshui is suitable for fresh consumption and as an additive to various preserves.
The variety was the result of the work of Japanese breeders. It was released in the 1970s.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins, beneficial properties
The onion contains:
- phytoncides;
- minerals – calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc.;
- vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP;
- essential oil with sulfur-containing formations;
- proteins;
- Sahara;
- mineral salts.
Onions help remove cholesterol from the body, help prevent cancer, fight bacteria and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Ripening time and yield
Senshui is an early ripening onion variety. The feather reaches technical maturity in early spring, the bulbs in mid-summer.
Subject to proper planting and compliance with care rules, the yield is 4 kg per 1 m².
Disease resistance
The variety is immune to common diseases characteristic of this crop. It is especially resistant to powdery mildew.However, there is a risk of plant damage by pests, so it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner.
Characteristics of the bulb, description of appearance, taste
Wide feathery leaves of dark green color reach 50 cm in height. The bulbs are round, slightly flattened and weigh an average of 160-180 g, but with proper agricultural technology their weight reaches 250 g. The husk is bright yellow with a golden hue.
The pulp is white, juicy, crispy and aromatic, has a soft, sweetish taste without pronounced pungency.
Regions for cultivation and climate requirements
The variety is recommended for growing in the southern regions. Well adapted to the climatic conditions of central Russia.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The main advantages of the Senshui variety:
- early maturation;
- frost resistance;
- high yield for a winter variety;
- versatility of use;
- possibility of long-term storage;
- lack of shooting;
- ease of care.
- not suitable for growing as winter onions in northern regions with consistently low air temperatures;
- lower yield compared to spring varieties.
Differences from other varieties
A comparison of Senshui with other varieties of winter onions is presented in the table:
Variety | Productivity, kg/m² | Bulb shape | Taste | Bulb weight, g |
Senshui | 4 | Round, slightly flattened | Sweetish | 160-180 |
Radar | 7-8 | Round | Sweetish-spicy | 150-300 |
Shakespeare | 3,5 | Round | Peninsular | 100-250 |
Centurion | 4-5 | Slightly elongated | Spicy, spicy | 90-130 |
Features of planting and growing
Winter onions have special requirements for planting, the strict observance of which allows you to obtain a high-quality harvest.
Pre-sowing preparation
Onions are a biennial crop.Seeds collected from arrows are only suitable for growing Senshui onion sets. The following year it is used to obtain a full harvest.
Varieties of sets:
- wild oatmeal – no more than 1 cm;
- first category – 1-1.5 cm;
- second category – 1.5-3 cm;
- sample - from 3 cm in diameter.
There is no need for preliminary preparation of planting material (soaking, cutting), but it is important to ensure that there is no rot or damage on the surface of the seed.
Reference. The largest onions grow from wild oats, and large sets produce juicy greens early.
They begin to prepare the soil approximately 14 days before planting the onions. The soil is carefully dug up and organic (rotted mullein or bird droppings) and complex mineral fertilizers are applied. After this, the beds are left to allow the soil to settle a little.
Immediately before planting onions, the beds are sprinkled with wood ash and ridges about 20 cm high are formed.
Soil requirements
The soil should be fertile, moderately loose and have neutral acidity. Too heavy soil prevents germination, and increased acidity leads to rotting of unripe bulbs.
Dates, scheme and rules of planting
The timing depends on the climatic conditions of the growing region. It is necessary to complete the planting of onions before the onset of frost. In the southern regions it is recommended to plant onions in November, and in the northern regions - in September or October.
Important! At the time of planting onions, the soil temperature at a depth of 10-15 cm should be +5°C.
Planting pattern:
- In the prepared beds, make furrows with a maximum depth of 5 cm, the distance between them is 15-20 cm.
- Place the sets along the furrows, deepening them by 2 cm and maintaining a distance between the bulbs of about 15 cm.
- Cover the seedlings with soil and humus.
- Insulate the beds with a layer of spruce branches or sawdust.
Covering material is removed in early spring so that it does not interfere with plant germination.
Features of cultivation
When growing yellow onions, you must follow the rules of crop rotation: the best predecessors are beets, carrots, cabbage and greens. In an area where legumes, bulbs and potatoes previously grew, this variety can be planted after five years.
The place for planting onions should be well-lit, protected from the wind and located at an elevation - the variety does not develop well in the shade, and moisture accumulates in the lowlands, which is why the bulbs wither.
Senshui is an unpretentious variety. The main care for it is carried out at the beginning of spring and is practically no different from caring for other varieties of onions.
Watering mode
This variety does not require abundant watering. They begin to moisten the soil no earlier than May and only as needed, preventing the top layer of soil from completely drying out.
2-2.5 weeks before harvesting, watering is stopped so that the bulbs gain maximum weight and the husks have time to dry.
Loosening the soil and weeding
The soil between the rows is regularly weeded, getting rid of weeds that hinder the development and growth of onions.
Loosen the soil after each watering - this makes it lighter, promotes better penetration of moisture and air to the roots of plants and prevents the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth.
Top dressing
In the spring, when consistently warm weather sets in, the covering material is removed from the beds, urea (10 g per 1 m²) is added to the soil, the soil is loosened and sprinkled with wood ash.
When 4 leaves appear on the plants, fertilize with phosphorus (20 g per 1 m²) and potassium (10 g per 1 m²) fertilizers.
Important! The optimal way to fertilize is to water the onions with liquid fertilizers.
Disease and pest control
To prevent the development of diseases and pest attacks, the beds are treated with anti-tobacco thrips agents, nematodes, onion flies (“Aktara”, “Medvedox”), dusted with tobacco dust, red hot pepper, sprayed with infusion of marigolds, alkaloid lupine.
Difficulties in growing
When growing Senshui winter onions, you may encounter the following problems:
- damage to planting material if seedlings are planted in frozen ground;
- premature germination when planting too early;
- rotting of bulbs due to excessive watering or landing in the ground with high acidity;
- increased risk of developing diseases and insect attacks if crop rotation rules are not followed.
Harvest and storage
Harvesting begins when yellowness appears on the onion feathers. It is important to have time before complete yellowing, otherwise after the first rain the formation of new roots will begin.
Depending on the climate of the region, the harvest is harvested in June or July, carefully pulling the bulbs out of the ground.
Storage features and keeping quality of the variety
The collected bulbs are laid out on the ground under the sun for 7-10 days to dry and disinfect, and then kept under a canopy for another 20 days. This contributes to better storage of the crop.
Reference. In rainy weather, onions are dried in a closed, well-ventilated area.
After drying, the onions are inspected and sorted: the heads that have any damage are set aside for a quick recovery. use, and whole ones are put away for storage, having previously cut off the roots and feathers from them at a height of 5 cm from the neck.
Store Senshui in nets, baskets or boxes with holes for ventilation in a cool, dark room. On average, without loss of quality, the crop is stored for 3-4 months, maximum – six months.
Advice from experienced gardeners
Farmers' recommendations for cultivating Senshui:
- Plant marigolds around the onion beds - this will minimize the risk of pest attack.
- Try to plant carrots nearby - they repel onion flies.
- Watch out for watering - this variety tolerates short-term drought better than excessive moisture.
- Before fertilizing, dilute fertilizers in water, or better yet, in herbal infusion.
Farmers fell in love with the Senshui onion, which is confirmed by their numerous positive reviews.
Evgenia, Novorossiysk: «At first we planted Senshui only for ourselves, but for more than 5 years we have been growing it for sale. We started with a small quantity and gradually increased the plantings - the onions have a great taste and sell out instantly. There was only one disadvantage noted - like other winter varieties, Senshui strongly attracts insect pests, so the plantings must be carefully inspected and preventive treatment should not be neglected.”
Dmitry, Astrakhan: “Three years ago, we read a description of the Senshui onion variety and looked at photos on the Internet. We decided to plant it and immediately fell in love with this variety for its taste. It is not very bitter, even children enjoy eating it fresh. The variety stores well - until January for sure. Previously, we had problems with onion flies; we no longer knew how to deal with them, but then we read that marigolds repel them. We planted them around the beds, and there were almost no insects.”
Senshui is an early ripening winter onion, suitable for growing in small garden plots and farms.The variety is resistant to frost and most diseases, adapted to the climate of the middle zone and has a mild, non-hot taste.