How to properly use onion juice with honey to clean blood vessels, reviews of effectiveness
In any reference book of alternative medicine you can find many recipes that include honey. The benefits of this product are undeniable. It helps to cope with a wide variety of diseases and is an invaluable component for cleaning blood vessels. Let's consider this issue in detail.
Is it true that onion juice with honey cleans blood vessels?
Benefits of onion juice for the treatment of atherosclerosis and cleaning of blood vessels has been proven, including experimentally, and recognized by scientists. This component has the property of increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, activating metabolism, and improving immunity. Regular consumption of onions with honey can not only get rid of fatty plaques and atherosclerosis, but also provide protection against such problems in the future. A mixture of these products eliminates bad cholesterol no less effectively than pharmaceutical drugs, and also improves overall blood circulation and brain function.
Reference. Onions contain more natural sugar than pears and apples.
Beneficial properties of ingredients
Onion juice is an effective general tonic. Combining it with honey significantly improves the beneficial properties of both products, increases the body's ability to regenerate, having a restorative effect on most internal organs.In addition, juice can improve digestion, neutralize the effects of allergic reactions, relieve coughs and colds, help strengthen the skeletal system, and reduce blood glucose levels.
Honey is no less useful. Since ancient times, doctors around the world, including the famous Hippocrates, advised consuming this product daily. Honey contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body, including folic acid, biotin, vitamins B2 and PP. Honey is used for a wide range of diseases; it has the ability to restore strength, boost immunity and mobilize the body's protective functions. All this happens naturally, maintaining health, including from the consequences of taking pharmaceutical medications.
Operating principle
The human body is unable to synthesize most of the vitamins it needs. Onion juice with honey can compensate for the daily requirement of nutrients that ensure health, including vascular and brain healthA. The components that these products contain eliminate bad cholesterol, and the vitamins contained in onions and honey ensure the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthening and renewing them. Antioxidant compounds quickly restore and even increase the tone of the tissues that make up the blood vessels.
Attention! Important use only that onion for treatment, which was purchased in the place where it was grown. When transporting products, even from neighboring areas, they can be treated with products that protect against damage, but are harmful to the body.
In the 21st century, the effectiveness of a mixture of onion juice and honey has been proven not only by traditional medicine, but also by scientists.Doctors recommend this remedy as an alternative to medications. Daily consumption of the mixture not only quickly restores brain function and strengthens the cardiovascular system, but also protects against similar diseases in the future.
The mineral salts contained in onions increase the body's ability to absorb vitamins and lower blood pressure. This enhances the effectiveness of the mixture, allowing you to quickly achieve the desired result.
Indications for use
Cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels slow down the circulation of nutrients, vitamins and oxygen in the blood. This leads to regular dizziness and headaches, the development of various diseases, chronic fatigue and even the risk of contracting infectious diseases. If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, it is recommended to undergo a vascular cleansing procedure and then return to it at least once or twice a year.
Important! Onion juice with honey is not recommended for children under six years of age.
How to prepare the medicine correctly (proportions, instructions)
One of the simplest and most effective means to help cleanse blood vessels using onions and honey is their combination in a 3:1 ratio. The onion, crushed to a pulp, must be squeezed out, 3 tbsp. l. Mix the resulting liquid with a spoon of honey. Take up to three times daily 30 minutes before meals for two weeks. If the correct dosage is followed, no side effects are expected, however, it is important for people suffering from digestive system disorders to consult a doctor before using the mixture.
Attention! Honey can be stored almost indefinitely.Even if it is candied, its beneficial properties are not lost. A water bath will help return the honey to a liquid state.
Formulation options
Honey on its own improves the sharp taste of onion juice, but this mixture can be made even more pleasant. To do this, you need to put up to 150 g of finely chopped onion in a liter saucepan, pour 100 g of honey into it, add 200-300 mg of natural grape wine, then leave for two weeks in a dark place and filter. Take in the same way as a regular mixture for up to 14 days in a row.
The remedy will be no less tasty when herbs or spices are added to the tincture. You can add three large onions and 4 tbsp. l. add two lemons of honey, a small piece of ginger root and 1 tsp. turmeric powder. All these components must be finely grated and mixed, then left in the refrigerator for five days. Take 2-3 teaspoons in the morning and evening for two months.
This is interesting:
The best ways to squeeze juice out of onions without shedding a sea of tears
Saving children from runny noses: nasal drops from onion juice
How to use
As a mixture that prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood, honey with onion juice is one of the most effective traditional medicines.
It is recommended to dilute this product in a ratio of three to one: 3 tbsp. l. onion squeeze use 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey.
A course of treatment
The greatest effectiveness of this course is ensured by the annual use of the mixture. It can be prepared immediately when symptoms indicating the presence of atherosclerosis occur, or as a preventive measure. It is necessary to take juice with honey for two weeks 2-3 times a year.
Precautionary measures
Before starting the course, you should consult your doctor. It is not always possible to independently identify the symptoms of vascular blockage. In addition, honey and onions can cause an allergic reaction, the presence of which should also be checked.
Attention! It is not recommended to take honey and onion infusion for more than two weeks in a row - the product can cause swelling of the mucous membranes and itching of the skin.
Features of cleaning brain vessels
To clean blood vessels as effectively as possible, you should not only use traditional medicine. It is necessary to take a whole range of measures that will allow you to stay healthy. It is important to follow the principles of a healthy diet, avoiding fatty and fried foods. The diet should consist of varied foods rich in vitamins and minerals and contain fruits and vegetables.
To reduce body weight, which is often associated with vascular disease, you should not limit yourself to diets alone. Giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) combined with regular physical activity will help you quickly achieve results. Only in this case, drinking onion juice with honey will help achieve maximum effect.
Contraindications and possible harm
Honey and onion tincture is not recommended for a number of diseases. These include gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase, bronchial asthma and predisposition to bronchospasmolytic reactions, individual intolerance to components, renal failure, relapses of liver and pancreas pathologies.
Important! The described product should not be used by children under 3 years of age, as well as by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Reviews from people of different ages show that this effective folk remedy remains relevant.
Nikolay, 47 years old: “I have been using onion juice mixed with honey to cleanse blood vessels for more than ten years. During this time, the headaches that had tormented me since my youth completely disappeared, and my blood pressure stopped jumping. I take it every year, like clockwork—health is worth it!”
Natalya, 42 years old: “I received the recipe from my grandmother, by the way, she is still active - this is at 70 years old! I read that you can add a few tablespoons of pomegranate juice to the tincture. It turns out both tastier and healthier!”
Alexandra, 36 years old: “My husband and I use onion juice with honey - we have long forgotten about problems with the head and heart. My husband even started jogging again, although he couldn’t do it before due to constant tachycardia. And we make a cough tincture for the child, adding ginger too.”
Blocked blood vessels can lead to many health problems and dangerous conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. But it won’t come to that if measures are taken in time. A tincture of onion juice with honey, which does not require much effort in preparation, will relieve a number of diseases, restore elasticity to blood vessels, help you quickly recover and forget about fatigue.