Lose weight quickly without starving: diet on buckwheat and kefir for 5 days

One of the most effective and popular methods of weight loss is a buckwheat diet with kefir. These two products combine perfectly and enhance each other's beneficial properties. If you drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk product per day, it will be 795 kcal. The daily norm of boiled buckwheat is 500-600 g, which is 550-660 kcal. As a result, the daily allowance calorie content it comes out to 1345-1445 kcal, and this is an excellent indicator for those who want to lose weight.

What kind of diet is this and what is its essence?

A diet on buckwheat and kefir for 5 days consists of eating buckwheat porridge and 1-1.5 liters of fermented milk product daily.

Buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and cleanses the body of toxins. It contains protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, which will enrich the body. Kefir improves the functioning of the digestive system and improves immunity. The product is rich in protein, vitamins A and B, and calcium.

Lose weight quickly without starving: diet on buckwheat and kefir for 5 days

Main course recipes

Dietary food has a number of features. The main course must be prepared correctly. Use it 5-6 times a day. The last meal is a few hours before bedtime. If you have a strong feeling of hunger in the evening, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Before purchasing a fermented milk product, pay attention to the expiration date. Kefir that is less than 24 hours old is a strong laxative.And a drink that was released more than 72 hours ago can cause constipation.

Buckwheat boiled with kefir

The easiest way to cook buckwheat is to boil it. It is advisable not to use salt, sugar, butter. Pour half a glass of cereal with two glasses of cold water and bring to a boil. Then cover with a lid and wrap well for three hours. Eat mixed with kefir or washed down with it.

This cooking method is suitable for people who find it difficult to consume thermally unprocessed cereals.

Buckwheat steamed in water with kefir

In the evening, the cleaned cereal is poured with boiling water in a 1:1 ratio. Close the container with a lid and wrap it in a towel. In the morning, the cereal will look like porridge. Can steam up buckwheat in a thermos, this process will take 4-5 hours, and the finished product will be warm.

Buckwheat steamed in kefir

Clean the buckwheat from debris and black grains, rinse well, and strain. Pour two tablespoons of buckwheat into a glass of kefir. Leave it on all night.

Attention! It is better to steam buckwheat rather than boil it. The steaming method preserves all the beneficial substances contained in the cereal.


Lose weight quickly without starving: diet on buckwheat and kefir for 5 days

Diet for 5 days is not the best varied diet, but if you don’t deviate from the plan, you will definitely achieve results. Between meals, drink plenty of water and unsweetened green or black tea.

Let's look at a sample menu by day:

  1. First. Breakfast and dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir and a portion of buckwheat, steamed with boiling water, you can also have 1 apple. For lunch: 200 g of porridge, 200 g of vegetable salad with olive oil.
  2. Second. Breakfast consists of a medium portion of buckwheat steamed with kefir, one apple and tea. Lunch: porridge covered with kefir and some vegetables. For dinner – kefir porridge with unsweetened tea.
  3. Third. For the whole day - five servings of buckwheat, doused with kefir, or just drink it separately.
  4. Fourth. Breakfast: 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a little porridge, kefir. Lunch: medium portion of porridge, dietary boiled meat, vegetables. For dinner, 100 g of buckwheat with kefir.
  5. On the fifth day alternate buckwheat with kefir every two hours.

How to diversify the menu

Nutritionists recommend adding green apples, dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes. They can be ground in a blender and added to buckwheat porridge.

For variety, make coleslaw. Its calorie content is zero. Be sure to include greens in your menu - like cabbage, they are a source of nutrients.

If you want something sweet, add a teaspoon of honey, preferably flower honey, to the porridge. In no case exceed the specified amount - otherwise the effectiveness diets will be equal to zero.

Lose weight quickly without starving: diet on buckwheat and kefir for 5 days

What can you drink

Drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day; unsweetened green or black tea is also allowed. This will help maintain fluid balance in the body, which will have a beneficial effect on overall well-being and performance.

Are condiments allowed?

It is better to exclude seasonings - they stimulate the appetite. But nutritionists have different opinions about salt. Some insist on eliminating salt. Others argue that without salt, the body will lose more water and nutrients. And after stopping the salt-free diet, the lost kilograms will soon return.

What determines the duration

Losing weight with buckwheat and kefir allows you to achieve good results. Correct implementation of all recommendations results in the elimination of 5-10 kg of excess weight. In this case, the result is achieved in just a few days.

The diet is effective, but greatly depletes the body.According to nutritionists, this diet option is unbalanced and too strict, so it is not recommended to stick to it for a long time.

Is it possible to stay on this diet longer?

You can eat buckwheat and kefir for up to 14 days. But in this case, it is necessary to diversify the diet with dried fruits, which will provide the body with natural sugars, vitamins and fiber, salads based on cabbage and herbs, and unsweetened fruits. Lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, and honey are also added.

Exit from the diet

Lose weight quickly without starving: diet on buckwheat and kefir for 5 days

Often girls who have been on buckwheat and kefir for five days leave negative reviews. The reason for this is the wrong way out of the diet. It is important to follow the correct diet even after the five-day restrictions, otherwise the lost kilograms will not only return, but will also “bring friends.”

To maintain results, follow these recommendations:

  • calculate the optimal calorie intake and stick to it;
  • eat right;
  • do not indulge in fast food, exclude fatty, fried and sweet foods;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • Don't forget about light physical activity.

The correct exit from the diet will maintain the result. Appetite decreases significantly during weight loss. For this reason, it is advisable to continue to adhere to a proper diet and avoid overeating. For example, the first 2-3 days after the diet they eat boiled chicken, vegetable salads and light soups. In the future, the diet is expanded, but it must still be healthy and correct.


The result of losing weight depends on effort and willpower - you will have to continue to follow a strict diet. You need to switch to proper nutrition in order to maintain the achieved results for a long time.

If the diet works worse than you want, there are reasons for this:

  • someone who is losing weight recently finished practicing a salt-free diet and immediately switched to buckwheat;
  • dependence on the “female” cycle - the body retains fluid before the onset of menstruation;
  • excessive consumption of soy sauce, which contains too much salt.

How many kg can you lose weight

The result depends on the initial weight. In some cases, you can lose 5-10 kg if you strictly follow your diet. In any case, weight loss of 2-3 kg is guaranteed.

Attention! Five days is a short period of time for truly effective weight loss. During this time, most of the water will disappear. Removing excess fluid leads to weight loss and reduction in body volume. Fat starts to burn later with regular eating habits, so take this into account!

Advantages and disadvantages

Having decided to adhere to the kefir-buckwheat diet, you should familiarize yourself with all its pros and cons. Its advantages:

  • quick effect;
  • the feeling of lightness in the body increases every day of the diet;
  • when following this type of diet, hunger is almost not felt, since buckwheat is very nutritious;
  • If you exit the diet correctly, the lost weight will not come back.


  • when following a strict buckwheat diet, general exhaustion of the body occurs;
  • According to doctors, uncooked buckwheat can cause digestive problems;
  • daily lack of salt and sugar can disrupt metabolism;
  • possible exacerbation of chronic diseases.


This diet is not suitable for everyone. It is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • for depression;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Reviews of those losing weight

Lose weight quickly without starving: diet on buckwheat and kefir for 5 days

There are reviews from people losing weight who are dissatisfied with the fact that in the first days the weight loss process is going well, but after a few days the numbers on the scales do not change. But most often, if the rules are followed, a person gets the desired result.

Elena, 43 years old, Moscow: «I followed the diet for 5 days, doused buckwheat with low-fat kefir. As a result, I lost 9 kg, I’m very happy. But I can’t look at buckwheat yet.”

Yulia, 28 years old, Saratov: “I wanted to quickly lose weight for an important event. Cooking buckwheat with kefir does not take much time and you can eat as much as you want all day long. And this is important when you have two children and a lot to do. I lost 7 kg by following a strict diet. But after the diet, 2 kg returned, although the result of 5 kg also suits me quite well.”

Marina, 35 years old, Novosibirsk: “For five days I ate only kefir with buckwheat, greens, cottage cheese and fruits. The result is impressive. I got rid of 5 kg. The effect of the diet was enhanced by moderate physical activity.”


The buckwheat-kefir diet is considered one of the most effective methods for rapid weight loss. However, this dietary regimen is considered very strict and unbalanced in the main nutritional components, so sticking to it for a long time is not recommended.

Before starting a diet, study its rules, contraindications and disadvantages in order to avoid adverse consequences and get the desired result.

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