How much can you lose in a month if you eat one buckwheat?

Buckwheat mono-diet is a popular, simple and effective method of combating excess weight. It has pros and cons, indications and contraindications, positive and negative reviews. Read more about this below.

How to lose weight on buckwheat

Losing weight on buckwheat is both easy and difficult. It's easy because the process is extremely simple. It’s difficult, because not everyone can withstand the restrictions imposed by this diet.

Features of the buckwheat diet

How much can you lose in a month if you eat one buckwheat?

The effect of a mono-diet is based on two main factors.

Firstly, buckwheat contains slow carbohydrates, which are absorbed gradually and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Secondly, since the body experiences an energy deficit due to a reduced intake of calories, it begins to break down fat reserves.

Reference. Buckwheat contains a lot of fiber (10 g per 100 g of cereal), the consumption of which leads to cleansing of the body; vitamins B1, B2, PP, organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric) and minerals (magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, sulfur, etc.). 100 g of cereal contains 58.2 g of slow carbohydrates, 13 g of protein and 3.6 g of fat. Calorie content - 308 kcal per 100 g, for boiled in water - three times less.

Varieties of buckwheat diet

Because this diet is one of the strictest even among mono-diets; several variants have been developed for some variety.

First of all, actually mono-diet - unlimited consumption of only steamed buckwheat. At the same time, drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Secondly, buckwheat-kefir: in addition to buckwheat and water per day is allowed up to 1 liter of 1% kefir.

And relieved when for a more balanced diet are allowed additional components: low-fat dairy products, unsweetened fruits and dried fruits, honey, herbs, boiled chicken breast.

The essence of the buckwheat diet

In the strictest version the diagram looks like this:

  1. Drink 0.5 liters of water on an empty stomach.
  2. After half an hour, eat the first portion of pre-steamed buckwheat without salt (steam the cereal hot water in a ratio of 1:2 in a thermos or saucepan).
  3. After another half an hour - 1 glass of water.
  4. After 30-60 minutes - again a portion of buckwheat, etc.

How much can you lose in a month if you eat one buckwheat?

The amount of cereal eaten per day is not limited. If desired, replace 1-2 glasses of water with green tea without sugar. You need to hold out from 3 to 14 days.

In buckwheat-kefir version to 2 liters of water and an unlimited amount of buckwheat, add up to 1 liter of kefir 0-1%. It is drunk separately, 30 minutes before porridge (or 30 minutes after it). The second method is to soak 1 tbsp overnight. cereals in 2 tbsp. kefir If this amount is not enough for a day, the dose is doubled.

There are also several lighter variations:

  1. Curd and buckwheat diet. Add 350-400 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day to the porridge. This amount is distributed evenly between all meals.
  2. Add 2-3 boiled skinless chicken breasts per day to the porridge. They are eaten mainly in the second half of the day; in the first half they eat mainly porridge.
  3. Buckwheat diet with dried fruits: porridge, 2 liters of water and no more than 100 g of dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes) per day. They are either added to porridge or eaten separately.The disadvantage is that the effectiveness of the diet decreases (the daily calorie content increases). In another option, dried fruits are replaced with fresh apples or grapefruit - no more than two per day. Some nutritionists allow bananas.
  4. More softer options. Along with the products described above, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, peppers), eggs, lean meat and fish are allowed. When using them, you must select a maximum of three products in an amount of no more than 200 g.

How much can you lose in a month if you eat one buckwheat?

It is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to use green buckwheat rather than regular fried cereal.
  2. Do not eat food later than 19:00.
  3. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  4. Add some physical activity. This will improve efficiency.
  5. During the diet, take multivitamins.
  6. Follow the rules for exiting the diet.

Rules for quitting the diet

To ensure that the weight does not return after the end of the diet, it is important to exit it correctly.. The exit rules are as follows:

  1. Buckwheat (already lightly salted) should be on the table at least once a day for two weeks.
  2. Meals should remain fractional, that is, you need to eat often (at least 6 times a day), but in small portions.
  3. Alcohol is excluded.
  4. After 19.00, eating is not advisable. A light snack is allowed (a glass of 1% kefir or unsweetened yogurt), but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  5. High-calorie, fatty, spicy, sweet foods are introduced into the diet gradually, starting from the seventh day after the end of the diet.
  6. Daily caloric intake for two weeks should not exceed 1500 kcal.
  7. Physical activity and the amount of daily water consumption remain the same.
  8. Once a week, a fasting day (for example, kefir) is necessary.

Following these rules will improve the result another 2-3 kg.

Benefits of the buckwheat diet

The advantage of the buckwheat diet is its simplicity, as well as:

  1. You don't need to eat by the clock. Easy to plan menu.
  2. Cereals are inexpensive and the cooking process is as simple as possible.
  3. The result is achieved quickly, its dynamics are good (on average 1 kg per day).
  4. Suitable for vegetarians.
  5. The cereal is nourishing and contains many essential substances.
  6. Buckwheat is a medium-calorie product.
  7. Absent gluten, the risk of allergies is minimized.

How much can you lose in a month if you eat one buckwheat?

Is this diet balanced?

There are also disadvantages. The main one is an incompletely balanced diet.. The diet is salt-free, so a lot of fluid is removed from the body. Because of this, in some cases, fasting people experience headaches and increased fatigue. It must be borne in mind that after the water-salt balance is restored, the weight will increase slightly.

Attention! Since buckwheat still does not contain all the substances necessary for the body, following a diet often leads to vitamin deficiency, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and even low blood pressure.

How many kilograms can you lose on buckwheat?

This diet is quite effective and on average allows you to get rid of 1 kg every day. But the duration of a strict diet should not exceed 14 days, since in some cases, after this period, the body becomes accustomed to the regime, and the weight loss process stops.

What happens if you eat only buckwheat for a month?

If you want to extend the diet for a month or more, keep in mind that the body will respond with disruptions. The most common reaction is constipation. Possible indigestibility of cereals due to a failure in the production of enzymes necessary for its digestion (depletion of function).

There may be disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys, even hormonal imbalance is possible.

Possible harm and contraindications

The diet also has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypotension;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Reviews about the buckwheat diet are varied. Some are crazy about her, others absolutely dislike her.

Irina, 31 years old: “The results were impressive. I set a goal to lose 10 kg. I weighed 65 kg with a height of 1.62 m. Before starting the diet, I tried buckwheat as a fasting day. I stood it easily, so I decided to move on. I strictly followed the plan for a week, there were no breakdowns. By the end of the seventh day, the scales showed minus 7 kg. This is an excellent indicator for me. I left the diet gradually, and 2 kg of fluid immediately returned, since the diet was salt-free. In a month I’ll try the buckwheat diet again.”.

Svetlana, 44 years old: “I had an important event coming up where I needed to appear in a tight dress, so I decided to go on a diet. After going through a bunch of options, I settled on buckwheat. I’ve loved this porridge since childhood, I thought at least I’d be full. How wrong I was. Buckwheat steamed overnight in boiling water is, of course, no different from regular boiled buckwheat, but you can’t eat a lot of this “delicacy.” I had to eat it cold, not salty, and even with force. I tried to cram in at least a tablespoon every hour. I sat on it for 6 days. The result on the scale was surprising - 4 kg. But this lasted for two weeks, and then the weight returned with 1.5 kg.In addition, my stomach began to hurt and I broke out in pimples. I didn’t contact her again!”

Nutritionist opinions

The opinions of nutritionists are more clear than user reviews. Doctors emphasize the benefits of the buckwheat diet, but at the same time warn against its abuse.

Natalya M., therapist: “Let buckwheat be present in the daily diet as one of the products, and not the only one. Of course, it is healthy, rich in vitamins and fiber, but you should not neglect other food products: meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Then you won’t get better, and your body won’t fail. The disadvantage of the diet is that it excludes salt, and this is useful for the treatment and prevention of diseases only with the permission of a doctor and then for no longer than 1-2 days.”.

Svetlana R., nutritionist: “On a strict diet consisting of only buckwheat, you can sit for no more than three days, but not for a whole month, as they say in the reviews. Any mono-diet can bring quick results, but the kilograms will return as easily as they went away. It is better to use the buckwheat diet on fasting days, once or twice a week. The rest of the time, exclude sweets, fried foods, and flour. Then you will lose weight gradually, without strict dietary restrictions.”.


If all the rules are followed, the buckwheat diet is considered effective. However, in some cases it causes unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. It also has contraindications. Therefore, if you want to try it, start with a few trial fasting days, and then decide for yourself.

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